More than 6,000 couples kissed simultaneously with organisers of the event claiming to have set a new world record.
They are in Group E with New Radiant (Maldives), Singapore Armed Forces FC, and Happy Valley (Hong Kong).
Ace long jumper Anju Bobby George has rued that a leg injury cost her the Gold in long jump at the Asiad.
It’s tough to beat the intense rush that comes with an awesome card game, especially if you play it with friends. The only way you could really make it better is if you actually made the game yourself with all of the best things you love about trading car...
France qualified for the finals only after Zidane, Thuram and Makelele come out of international retirement.
Govt has extended the term of the Rajindar Sachar committee set up to look into the status of Muslims by four months.
Orlando has been seeing the 22-year-old beauty since January 2003, after they met filming an advertisement for GAP.