Short Apology Messages for Her
Make your apology clear and succinct with a short “I’m sorry” message. According to Shahbazyan, “the most important part of apologizing is being genuine,” and sometimes brief messages come off as the most sincere. Rather than adding unnecessary explanations or excuses, simply take accountability for your actions with a short apology. Here are some examples: “This is completely and totally my fault, I’m sorry.” “I don’t know what happened. Please forgive me.” “You are the joy of my life. Please, my love, forgive me!” “I didn’t mean to, baby. I sincerely regret it. I’m so sorry.” “I will do anything and everything to make you smile again.” "I'll do everything I can to make sure this never happens again." “You’re so important to me and I am deeply sorry for having hurt you.” “It breaks my heart to see you sad, forgive me for hurting you this bad.” “I promise to be the partner of your dreams. I swear I’ll never hurt you again.” “I know I was wrong for claiming that I was right. Please accept my apologies.” “I love you and always will. Never forget that. I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry for that.” “There are no words to describe how sorry I am, please let me try to make it up to you.” “I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life and promise to learn from this. I’m sorry.”
Long Apology Messages for Her
Express the full extent of your regret with a long apology message. There’s no character limit on letting your girlfriend know just how deeply sorry you are for your past mistakes or arguments. Whether you’re shooting off an apology text or sending your gf a handwritten letter, she’ll probably be quicker to realize how genuine your regrets are if you put time into crafting a paragraph-long message. Here are some examples: “I want to apologize for not being there when you needed me yesterday. I should’ve been more attentive, and I feel terrible for letting you down. Please forgive me, and I promise to be there for you from now on.” “The words ‘I am sorry’ are just not enough to convey all the feelings in my heart. I cannot figure out exactly how to say it, but trust me when I say I genuinely feel so terrible about hurting you. I am so sorry, my love.” “Sweetheart, I’m really sorry for the argument we had last night. I know I said some hurtful things, and I regret it deeply. You mean the world to me, and I never want to see you upset like that. Can we talk and make things right?” “I cannot begin to explain to you how sorry I am. I really let you down, and I know how much I have hurt you. I cannot stand the thought of you being angry with me or the thought of how I treated you. Please forgive me and give me a chance to make it right.” “I am sorry for taking you for granted. It kills me that I have made you feel that way. I see what I did, and please know that I appreciate you far more than I have ever shown. I am going to start showing you how much I truly appreciate you so you never feel this way again.” “Sweetheart, I realize my errors have caused you great pain, and I am deeply sorry for that. I vow to prioritize your happiness and treat you with the love and respect you deserve. I want us to embark on a new journey filled with understanding, patience, and unwavering love. I am sorry, Mi Amor.” “I’m so sorry for leaving your event early. I know it meant a lot to you, and I should’ve told my boss that I wasn’t available during that time. I want you to know that you’re the most important person in my life, and I’m going to make you my #1 priority. I hope you can forgive me, and we can move forward.” "My love, I want to apologize from the depths of my heart. I know I've hurt you, and I'm truly sorry for my actions. I never wanted to be the source of your pain, and I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. You deserve nothing but love and happiness, and I'll strive to be the person who brings that into your life. Please forgive me, and let's work together to heal our hearts and strengthen our love." "You mean the world to me, and I'm sorry for jeopardizing our relationship. I never wanted to be the cause of your tears, and I'll work hard to be the reason for your smiles. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused, and I'll do everything in my power to make it up to you. Our love is worth fighting for, and I'm willing to fight for us. Please forgive me, and let's rebuild our love on a foundation of trust and understanding." "I'm sorry for the pain I've caused. You are the most important person in my life, and I'll do anything to make it up to you. I know actions speak louder than words, and I promise to show you through my actions how much I love you. I'll be there for you, support you, and cherish you. I'm sorry for my mistakes, and I'll spend every day proving that I'm worthy of your love. Please forgive me, and let's create a future filled with happiness and love." “I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened. I take full responsibility for my actions, and I know I have no excuse for the way I acted. You deserve so much better than what I gave you, and I feel awful knowing that I let you down. Please know that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make this right. I value our relationship more than anything, and I want to learn from this mistake so that I never hurt you again. I hope you can forgive me, and that we can move forward together, stronger than before.”
Cute & Funny Apology Messages for Her
Break the tension with a cutesy and humorous apology message. If your fight or slip-up wasn’t all that serious, then a light-hearted “I’m sorry” message may be appropriate. Plus, humor is a great way to diffuse tension and break the ice after a conflict—if you have something major to apologize for, however, these messages may come off as insensitive or minimizing. Otherwise, here are some examples: “You know I'm the stupid one. I'm sorry. Let's be together again.” “I’m sorry for being a dork. Please forgive me and let’s share more laughs.” “I apologize for my silly mistake. Let’s laugh it off and move forward together.” “I’m sorry for being a knucklehead. Let’s laugh about it and move on together.” “I’m sorry for being such a goofball. Let’s put this behind us and enjoy some laughs.” “I’m sorry for acting like a clown. Please forgive me and I promise to be your favorite jester.” “I’m sorry for being a doofus. Please forgive me and I promise to make you laugh every day.” “I apologize for my boneheaded mistake. Let’s laugh it off and continue our journey together.” “I was so stupid to say something so silly like that to you. You are the love of my life. I’m sorry!” “You have always been the mature one between us two. I hope you will forgive me like you always do.” “Seeking the forgiveness of the best wife in the world… Yours sincerely, the dumbest husband in the world!” “Do you know why your husband wants to give you a really long apologyyyyyyyyyyyyy? That is because he is really sorryyyyyyyyyyy.” “Have you not heard that people fight only with those whom they love the most? The fact that I have fought with you means only one thing – that I love you a lot. Sorry.” Consider sending an “I’m sorry” meme to your girlfriend, like these examples featuring Puss in Boots, an existential raccoon, a weepy stick figure, and Dawson Leery.
Apology Text Messages for Her
Send an emoji-laden text to convey your full range of emotions. If you want to reach out and apologize to your girlfriend with a text, consider adding an emoji so that your message has a lesser chance of being misinterpreted. Your text will also let her know that you’re still thinking of her and taking this issue seriously while also giving her some needed space. Here are some examples: “I need you in my life and I’m very sorry about last night. ILYSM ????” “Hi. I feel like the worst person in the whole world. I’m truly sorry and want you to know that you didn’t deserve that ????” “You are so important to me, and I hate that I made you doubt that. I am so sorry. What can I do to make us OK again ❤️????” “I want you to know that I love you and take responsibility for the words I said. I promise I’ll work on thinking before I speak ????” “I don’t know what to say but to apologize for being such a jerk. I hope you can eventually look beyond this mistake and forgive me ????” “I was acting like a ???? and allowed my pride to get the best of me. I forgot that you are on my side. That you are my best friend. ILY so much.” “If I could, I would take back all the things I did to hurt you. But since I can’t, please consider forgiving me. I want us to work on healing our relationship ????????” “That sucked. I hate fighting with you in general, but especially when I know my actions caused it, and that I caused you pain. It’s not OK and I'm so sorry ????” “Hi. First and foremost, I just wanted to text you to tell you I know I really blew it. I heard what you said and how it made you feel ????I apologize from the bottom of my ❤️.” “Good morning, sweetie ☀️ I woke up feeling absolutely terrible about our fight last night. I'm so sorry for how I acted and I really regret hurting you. Can we meet up later to talk about it? ????” “Hey babe ???? I'm really ashamed of how I behaved yesterday. The worst part about it all is how I made you feel. You don’t deserve that kind of treatment. I promise you it won't happen again.” “I’ve had some time to cool down and really consider my behavior. I now realize I was totally out of line. I hurt you and feel horrible about it. Take whatever time you need to process your feelings, and when you're ready I’d love to apologize again face-to-face ????” “I really blew it. I owe you a thousand apologies. Here's the first one: I'm so sorry for how I acted yesterday. You didn't deserve it and I wish I could take it back. I can’t, so instead I'm promising it will never happen again. One apology down, 999 to go ????????????!”
“I’m Sorry” Quotes for Her
Borrow the words of famous writers and artists for a grand apology. You may know how deeply your regrets run but not be able to fully express them in words. In this case, why not turn to a famous apology quote that perfectly (and poetically) captures your desire to make things right with your significant other? Here are some examples: “Is it too late now to say sorry?” – Justin Bieber “Not admitting a mistake is a bigger mistake.” – Robert Half “Let us forgive each other—only then will we live in peace.” – Leo Tolstoy “So many things that we never will undo. I know you're sorry, I'm sorry too.” – Bob Dylan “You must tell me who I might have hurt. I have to write them an apology.” – Vivien Leigh “Apologies aren’t meant to change the past, they are meant to change the future.” – Kevin Hancock “I am the type of person who believes an apology should be sincere and from the heart.” – Camille Grammer “Each day, we have the opportunity to learn something new, apologize for our mistakes, and become better.” – Lewis Howes “I love you and I always will and I am sorry. What a useless word.” – The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway “Never forget the nine most important words of any family: I love you. You are beautiful. Please forgive me.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr. “I’m stupid. You’re smart. I was wrong. You were right. You’re the best. I’m the worst. You’re very good-looking. I’m not attractive.” – Happy Gilmore “I don’t know why, I made you cry / I’m sorry sweetheart and yet / Though you shouldn’t be lenient with me / I hope you’ll forgive and forget” – Frank Sinatra “I loved and adored you, but I drained you like a thirsty man at a spring. I loved what you could give me —your admiration, your acceptance, your love, your forgiveness. I forgot to love you for yourself.” – Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley
Sorry Messages After a Misunderstanding
Take responsibility for your part in any misunderstanding. Apologies aren’t always about “which person takes the blame,” explains Shahbazyan. “Rather, it’s a matter of using that negative experience as an opportunity to create change in a stronger, more positive…direction for your relationship.” Instead of worrying about who was most at fault in this misunderstanding, just send an apology message to begin to move forward. Here are some examples: “We fought for nothing. I’m sorry, sweetie. I promise it won’t happen again.” “I know I wasn’t fair in our discussion. I’m sorry and I miss the connection we share.” “I am so stupid to say something so silly like that to you. You are my love. I am sorry!” "Our love is worth fighting for, and I'm sorry for letting misunderstandings come between us." "Our love is too precious to let misunderstandings tear us apart. I'm sorry for my part in the confusion." “I know I didn’t listen to you during our argument. I’m sorry and I want to understand your perspective.” "I never meant for things to get so complicated. I'm sorry for the misunderstandings that have hurt us both." "Misunderstandings happen, but our love is stronger than any confusion. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused." "I'm sorry for the misunderstandings that have caused us to drift apart. Let's find our way back to each other." "I'm sorry for the confusion and hurt caused by our misunderstandings. Let's work on rebuilding our trust." “I know we both got heated and said things we regret. I’m sorry for my part and I miss us being happy together.” “I apologize for the misunderstanding we had last night. My words were misinterpreted, and I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I cherish our relationship, and I never want to hurt you.”
Sorry Messages After Making a Mistake
Apologize for the error of your ways with a genuinely contrite message. You’re only human, and it’s okay to mess up from time to time—as long as you make it right. If you’ve really made a big mistake, Quinlan recommends “knowing your girlfriend’s love language, knowing what’s important to her, and knowing her personality. Then, use that knowledge to work on getting her back,” starting with a heartfelt apology message. Here are some examples: “Some messes are not truly meant to have been made. I apologize for the errors on my part.” “It is impossible to change the past, you have my promise to make it up to you in the future. I am truly sorry.” “Darling, I know I messed up, but I am genuinely so sorry and want to do whatever I can to make it up to you.” “Darling, I am sorry for my behavior last night. Please forgive me and allow me to make up for all my shortcomings.” “Baby, I know I’ve let you down, and I will try to be a better person from now on. I need your help. Please accept my sincere apology.” “My actions were inexcusable, and I take full responsibility. I promise to learn from this mistake and be a better friend/partner to you.” “I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart. What I did was insensitive and wrong, and I regret it. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” “I know I messed up, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I regret my actions, and I promise to work on being a better husband. I love you, my life.” “Baby, I value you and our relationship more than anything, and I am sorry for acting out the way I did. Please let me know how I can make amends and help you feel better.” “I made a promise that I thought I could keep, yet I failed when the time came. I apologize from the bottom of my heart. You mean everything to me, so please give me a second chance.” “Honey, give me the chance to make it up to you. I know where I got it wrong, and I am determined to do better next time.. please give me the chance to show you my efforts to become a better man.” “I’m sorry about all the lies. I should have been upfront and told you the truth. You mean the world to me, and I know I’ve broken your trust. No matter how long it takes, I’m going to rebuild it, and I hope you can forgive me for my mistake.” “I just want to say that I have faith in my love for you. I have faith that we will overcome the odds and make our relationship even better than before. Give me another chance and I have faith that, one day, we will look back at this and be glad that we didn't walk away from each other.”
Sorry Messages After Hurting Her Feelings
Express just how sorry you are for making her feel insulted or upset. One of the most crucial parts of apologizing is “being able to tolerate the other person’s wave of hurt coming your way…and remaining apologetic,” says Shahbazyan. If you’ve hurt your girlfriend’s feelings, it’s important to reach out with an apology message, no matter what your initial intent may have been. Here are some examples: “I feel horrible and never meant to upset you, please accept my most sincere apology.” “I am contrite for hurting you so deeply, my sweet love. I want to be your hero again. Can you forgive me?” “I feel bad for making you sad. I feel guilty for making you question my intentions. I am sorry, baby please forgive me.” “You are the best person in my life and I feel extremely embarrassed for hurting you. Please forgive me for being such an awful person.” “My sweet angel, how could I have been so thoughtless? Please give me a chance to repair what I damaged. I ask for your forgiveness, my dearest love.” “Babe, I’m sorry for forgetting our special date. It was thoughtless of me, and I understand why you’re upset. I’ll make it up to you and plan something amazing.” “I’m genuinely sorry for hurting you, my darling. You bring me so much happiness, and I regret all that I said to you in anger. Please forgive me so that we can move past this.” “I am very sorry that I broke your heart. I never knew it would hurt you this much. You know that I love you a lot and care for you. I promise I will not repeat the same mistake. I am so sorry, my love.” “My heart aches knowing how I’ve hurt you. I’ve not shown the love and appreciation that you deserve. I am willing to hear you out and make a change to help us focus on healing. Can we do that, babe?” “Darling, please forgive me. I never knew how excited you were to see me yesterday while I stood by, looking uninterested and tired from work. Please let me make it up to you and make it a moment to remember.” “Trust is the bridge that joins two hearts, and it is this bridge that I hurt yesterday with my mistrustful words. I apologize for my rudeness. I promise to make the effort not to let such frivolous comments spoil our relationship!” “I am sorry. I know that I have hurt you. But, trust me, it was not my intention. The fight we had the other day was very unhealthy. I now realize that it could have been completely avoided had I given it a thought. Please talk to me. I am sorry.” “My love, you have every right to be upset with me. I know that I have hurt you when all you have ever done is show me love. I have learned from this, and I have grown. I promise to continue learning and growing. Please forgive me and help me be a better person.”
Sorry Messages After Cheating
Make things right after an infidelity with a seriously apologetic message. Cheating is one of the most damaging things that can happen in a committed relationship, but that doesn’t mean that it’s too late to make things right. An affair or transgression is one of those things “that you’re probably going to need to give a thousand apologies for…and tolerate that long enough for your girlfriend to get over it,” says Shahbazyan. You can start off your apologies with a heart touching message—here are some examples: “My ears are longing to hear your words of trust in who I really am. I promise never to do it again, my precious love.” “I miss you but didn’t know how to get close to you again. I feel like our jobs have pulled us in opposite directions and there was so little time left for us to spend as a couple. I want us to find a way to be each other’s priority again.” “If you can no longer feel love, trust, and security in our relationship and wish to walk away, I won't stop you. Once again, I'm truly sorry for what I have done. Whatever you decide, all I want is just for you to be happy and for the pain in your heart to go away.” “I was extremely selfish, inconsiderate, and thoughtless. I risked your health. I broke promises. I made some very bad choices. I will do anything to make this right with you and I sincerely apologize and promise to you that this will never happen again.” “I want to tell you I'm sorry a thousand times, but I know my apology can't undo what has been done or ease the pain in your heart. Cheating on you is certainly an unforgivable mistake. I totally deserve all the anger and resentment from you for what I have put you through.” “A mistake is a mistake. I know I don't have the right to ask anything from you when I have foolishly betrayed your trust in me. But if you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another opportunity to prove to you how much I love you, I will be very, very relieved indeed.” “A successful relationship is built on love, respect, and trust, and when trust is broken, it is not easy to rebuild. It is me who allowed the trust to evaporate overnight between us with my selfishness and unfaithfulness. For that, I'm really sorry for all the hurt and pain that I have inflicted on you” “The truth is that I’m really upset with myself. I told myself I’d never be like my father who cheated on my mother constantly and was never around when his kids really needed him. The last thing I expected was to repeat his mistakes in my own marriage. I’ve let you down, and I’ve let myself down too.” “I do feel all these things for you so deeply and I'm hoping you can learn to trust me again and allow me to love you like you should be loved. If you'll stay with me, I'll put all my energy toward making sure you feel loved and secure in our relationship. Please allow me the opportunity to do this.” “It is not easy to commit a wrong and then walk away. The guilty feeling never fails to gnaw at the heart. As much as I want to say sorry and promise you happiness once again, I also do not want to end up hurting you even more months down the road. It is just too cruel to make promises now that I sincerely do not know whether I will be able to keep.” “I know that my actions hurt you, and I’ve completely broken your trust. I’m so sorry for making you question our entire relationship. You mean the world to me, and I hope you can forgive me for my mistake. I’m committed to working through this and going to counseling, but even if you want to end things, I totally understand and respect your decision.” “I know that the decision of where we go from here is not mine to make. I relinquished that right when I cheated on you. If you feel that you can no longer love me the way you used to, I will accept your decision, although it will be with a ton of regret and sadness. Because deep in my heart, I still love you and wish fervently for a chance for our relationship to bloom once again.” “I’m sorry for not talking to you about what I’ve been feeling. I’ve been sad, lonely, and in a rut both at home and at work. I should have turned to you to work through all this but I just couldn’t face all the conflicts and difficult conversations. So instead I took the easy way out and distracted myself by having an affair. I now see that this was selfish and immature and I caused you so much unnecessary pain.”
How to Write an Apology for Your Girlfriend
Write an apology that expresses an understanding of why your gf is upset. Most women (and people) can spot an insincere, forced apology from a mile away. So how do you write an apology message for your girlfriend that expresses your sincere regret and assures her that you completely understand why she feels the way she does? Here are our top tips for the perfect apology: Acknowledge the specific mistake you made that hurt your girlfriend. Express your remorse for the hurt she’s feeling with clear and honest language. Show empathy and understanding by naming exactly why your gf is hurt. Share your dedication to fixing your mistakes and improving them going forward. Take full responsibility for your actions and avoid placing blame on others. Avoid any defensiveness and keep in mind impact vs/ intent. Sometimes we don’t intend to hurt our loved ones, but that doesn’t change the impact (or outcome) of them feeling hurt. You don’t have to beat yourself up about what happened, but you can also acknowledge the hurt you caused and issue a genuine apology.
Why is it important to apologize?
Apologies can repair damaged bonds and restore trust in your relationship. A genuine apology where you accept responsibility for however you’ve hurt another person will also show that you care about how they feel. This small act can establish trust, mutual respect, and security in your relationship—making it more likely that your connection will grow and last in the long run. It can be difficult to apologize after a fight, especially if emotions are running high or you feel like you’re not entirely at fault. However, a sincere apology is more about expressing regret over your involvement or impact in the conflict, even when unintentional, and showing a committed intent to fixing the issue and moving forward together. If someone is expressing that you’ve hurt them in a way that warrants an apology, “let them get that hurt out. Keep sitting with it and keep your mind and body calm,” advises Shahbazyan. “Really listen and understand where they’re coming from, then recreate a relationship that’s stronger than before that issue had happened at all.”
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