Does banana water really work for plants?
There may be some benefits, but they’re not proven. Bananas do contain potassium, which is an essential nutrient for plants. They also contain small amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen, which plants also need. However, there’s no scientific proof that steeping banana peels in water extracts these nutrients.
Banana water may not be balanced enough for plants. Even if steeping banana peels in water does extract some of the nutrients, most plants need a fertilizer with balanced amounts of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. If you’re only using banana water as a fertilizer, there’s a good chance your plants won’t get enough nitrogen and phosphorus to thrive. A balanced commercial fertilizer—like one with an NPK of 10-10-10 or 4-3-4—is probably better for your plants.
Banana water could attract pests. Bananas are packed with sugar and carbohydrates. When you use banana water on your plants, those sugars and carbs could attract fungi and small pests like gnats. Diluting the banana water may help prevent pests if you do decide to use it.
Adding banana peels to compost is probably more effective. You’re more likely to extract the nutrients in banana peels by allowing them to compost naturally. Also, since you’ll probably be adding other ingredients to your compost pile, you’re more likely to get balanced nutrition from composted soil than from banana water alone.
How do you make banana water for plants?
Chop your banana peels into pieces to help them break down faster. It’s up to you how large or small you want to cut the banana peels—you can rough chop them into 3–4 in (7.6–10.2 cm) pieces if you’d like, or add them to a food processor to break them down into smaller pieces. Some people skip this step, so if you want to add your banana peels whole, that’s okay. The banana peels might break down a little faster if they’re in small pieces, but very small pieces may also be more difficult to strain.
Add the banana peels to a container of water. Place your banana peels into the container. Then, add enough water to fill the container almost all the way full. Making banana water for plants isn’t an exact science, so there’s no need to measure anything. If you’re only using one or two banana peels, you might use a smaller container, like a 32 fl oz (950 ml) mason jar. If you have a lot of banana peels, you can use a larger container, like a 5 US gal (19 l) bucket. If you’d like, you can keep a container filled with water, then toss in a new banana peel every time you eat a banana.
Cover the container and let it sit for a week or more. Seal the lid tightly—banana water doesn’t smell very good. Covering the container may also help prevent the mixture from developing mold. Place the container somewhere it won’t be disturbed, then wait at least 2–3 days, or until the banana peels turn black. Some people prefer to let their banana water sit for weeks or even months before they use it. Stirring the mixture occasionally may help the banana peels break down. If the container is small enough, you can just shake it, instead.
Boil the banana water if you want it to be extra strong. After you’ve soaked the banana peels for at least a few days, you can create a banana peel tea from the mixture to help break down the peels even more. Pour the banana water into a large pot, then bring it to a boil. Allow it to boil for about 30 or 45 minutes, then let it cool and strain it. If you boil the banana water, dilute it with 1 part banana peel tea to 5 parts water before you put it on your plants.
Strain the water and discard the banana peels. Once the water is a dark brown color, pour the banana water through a strainer to remove the pieces of banana peel. Throw out the banana peels or place them in your compost pile. Keep in mind that the banana water will probably have a strong, unpleasant smell when you open the container.
Use the banana water to water your plants. Pour the banana water around the base of your plants. Use the same amount of water as you normally would, and water your plants with the same frequency. Some people believe that spraying banana water on your plant might help prevent aphids.However, the high sugar content in banana water means it's probably more likely to attract pests than repel them.
How do you make hot banana water for drinking?
Bring 2 US qt (1.9 l) of water to a boil. Fill a large pot with about 2 US qt (1.9 l) of water. Place the pot on a stove on high heat and bring it to a boil.
Cut the top and bottom off of the banana peels. Carefully slice the ends off of the banana peel with a sharp knife. Toss these pieces in the trash or put them in your compost pile. You don’t need the actual bananas for this recipe. If you’re not going to eat the bananas right away, cut them into thick slices, add them to a resealable plastic bag, and put them in the freezer for later.
Put one banana peel in the water and turn off the heat. Once the water comes to a boil, add one of the banana peels to the pot. To avoid burning yourself, use tongs to carefully lower the peel into the water. Then, turn off the burner and cover the pot.
Add the other banana peel after 10 minutes. Let the first banana peel steep for about 10 minutes, then use the tongs to drop in the other peel. Stir the hot banana water, then cover it again and let it sit for another 10 minutes.
Stir the mixture, strain, and serve. After the second 10 minutes, carefully stir the banana water with a long-handled spoon. Then, pour the water through a strainer or use tongs to remove the peels. Drink the banana water while it’s still warm. If you’d like, you can add honey, vanilla, cinnamon, or nutmeg to taste.
Are there any health benefits to drinking hot banana water?
It's unproven, but some people swear banana water is a sleep aid. Making banana water out of the peels may extract the nutrients in bananas. And while there's not a definitive link between banana water and good sleep, some of the nutrients in bananas are associated with a better nights’ sleep, including: Potassium Magnesium Tryptophan
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