Research source
They are gentle, shy around strangers, but very loving with their family. [2]
Research source
Intelligent and playful, Nebelungs enjoy quiet, calm homes where they feel safe and loved. Their beauty and sweet nature make them great pets. Nebelung, meaning 'creature of the mist,' is German, however these cats originated in the United States, very recently, in the 1980s.
Checking Body Structure
Analyse the cat's size. Nebelungs are medium- to large-sized cats. Weighing in at about 7-15 pounds (3.2-6.8 kilos), they typically are around 9-13 inches tall. Nebelungs are quite muscular. Nebelungs have long, elegant features such as their legs, tails, and necks. Their body should feel firm, lithe and muscular but their fur will not appear coarse.
Look at the eyes. Nebelungs are known for their bright green eyes (and yellower as a kitten), that should be clear to spot. Their eyes are almond-shaped and set wide apart. Take your Nebelung for a checkup if there is any cloudiness, redness or discharge from their eyes. A Nebelung's expression is generally soft and gentle.
Examine the ears. Nebelungs have large to fairly tall, pointed ears, often with tufts of fur. The ears are as wide at the base as they are tall. Their ears extend upwards to an angle slightly wider than parallel. Their ears often give them an alert appearance.
Inspect the cat's head. Nebelungs have a modified wedge-shaped head that is more pointed than rounded. They have prominent whisker pads and a long slender neck. The cat has high cheekbones which are broad; the forehead straightly guiding to the upper edge of the eye.
Check the tail. A Nebelung has a long tail which is characterised by its brushy appearance. It should be tapered at the base and long enough to reach the shoulder blades.
Take notice of the paws and legs. Nebelung paws are rounded with generous tufting between the toes and the pads. The cat has long slender legs, which are not fine boned despite their slender appearance.
Noticing the Coat
Recognise the coat colour. Nebelungs all have a blue-grey coat with no other colours on their body although the fur may be a lighter blue behind the ears. Usually the fur has silvery tips
Check the texture and appearance of the coat. The coat is semi-long and should feel soft and silky to touch. Males may have more developed ruff than females. The coat should have a fine undercoat and courser, thick guard hairs. The length of the coat and density may vary based on the season.
Observing Temperament
Notice their eventually affectionate nature. The Nebelung takes a long time to warm up to new people, but once they are attached expect a loving and loyal nature. With strangers however, they may seem aloof or reserved; often hiding away when people visit the house.
Regard their mellow, easygoing personality. You may consider them a bit low-key, as they are very chilled out and subdued cats, but also have a playful aspect to their personality; some retrieving toys when thrown, and engaging in playful activities.
Watch how they react to new people or places. The adult Nebelung is known to be afraid of change, new people or places are not their thing and they will likely go into hiding in the presence of visitors.
Look into their bond with loved ones. The Nebelung often develops a strong bond with their owners and will follow them eagerly around the house. This cat has a very loyal nature towards those in its circle. This breed likes to sit on laps of those it has bonded with or even ride on an owner's shoulder around the house. Nebelungs thrive on routine, especially food times. Any changes to her surrounding environment or usual routine can cause short-term stress.
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