How to Make a Christmas Manger
How to Make a Christmas Manger
A manger is a feeding container used to hold food for livestock and other animals. The word is derived from the French word manger, which means to eat. A manger can be made from any material, such as wood, clay, stone or metal. A manger also is associated with Christmas because the Bible refers to baby Jesus being placed in a manger after his birth. Today, Christians use mangers at Christmas to represent the birth of Jesus. Use these tips to make a Christmas manger.

Build a Slat Manger from Wood

Determine the size of the manger. This style manger is simple to make with wood pieces of the same size. For example, you could create slats that are 24 inches (60.9 cm) long and 1 inch (2.54 cm) wide for a manger large enough to fit a doll (representing Jesus) that's under 1 foot (0.3 m) long. Plan for smaller slats if you want a tiny manger, and larger slats if your manger will be holding a larger doll.

Source wood pieces or scraps. Any type of wood is suitable for a manger. Consider using scrap pieces you already have from an old wooden crate, a piece of furniture you no longer use, or, for a very small manger, popsicle sticks. You could also purchase wood from a local hardware or home improvement store to create the manger. Consider pre-cut wood pieces. You can buy packages of wood pieces at craft stores if you're prefer not to cut them yourself. If you can't find pre-cut pieces and you prefer not to cut your own wood, many home improvement stores will cut the wood for you.

Cut the wood to size. Using a table saw or the saw of your preference, cut the wood into 11 pieces that are the same size. In this example, the pieces will be 24 inches (60.9 cm) long and 1 inch (2.54 cm) wide. Be sure to measure the pieces before you begin cutting, so you can make sure they all end up the exact same size. Use a ruler and a pencil to mark where the cuts should be made. Saw the wood outside or over a table covered with newspaper for easy cleanup.

Create the legs of the manger. The legs will form an "X" on each side of the manger to hold it up. The outside surfaces of the legs will be visible, so use the four most attractive wood pieces for the legs. Cut a 45-degree at 1 end of each piece. The angled cut allows the bottom of each piece to be flat on the ground, providing stability for the manger. Identify the center of each piece. Measure each piece, mark the center using a pencil, and drill a hole through each piece at the center. Assemble the legs by crossing the holes over each other so that they form an X. Place bolts through the holes, threading the legs together. Use washers and butterfly nuts to secure them.

Build the body of the manger. To create the slatted look, begin by placing one piece of wood across the sets of legs at the place where they meet, in the middle of the V shape they create. Use a hammer and nails to nail the piece into the V on both sets of legs. Space the 7 remaining pieces of wood along the top of the legs to create the manger. Space the remaining 6 slats evenly along the legs, so that they span from one set of legs to the other. Nail the wood pieces to the legs to finish the body of the manger.

Make a Christmas Manger from a Cardboard Box

Find a sturdy cardboard box. Choose any size box that you desire. Boxes made with plain cardboard are easiest to convert into a manger, but you could also use a box that has a printed pattern.

Create a wood pattern on the outside of the box. Use markers to draw wood grain on the outside of the cardboard box. Draw slightly curved lines across the box to resemble wood planks. Add details like wood swirls, knots and cracks to resemble wood. Consider drawing nails at each end of the box as a finishing touch. If you're using a box that has a design printed on it, cover it first with brown paper or cut up paper bags. Use double-sided tape or glue to secure the plain brown paper to the box and completely obscure the pattern underneath. When the glue is dry, use markers to create the wood grain pattern. Your manger doesn't have to be brown. You could cover the box with clay-colored paper, festive red and green Christmas colors, or any other colors you desire. If you're making the manger with kids, let them decide how to decorate it in honor of Christmas.

Add hay or straw. Arrange hay or straw along the inside and outside of the box. The hay will help disguise the box and create the appearance of a manger.

Repurpose an Animal Feeding Trough

Locate a feeding trough. If you have access to farm equipment, use an actual feeding trough as a manger. You can use a feeding trough made of any material, including wood, metal or plastic. Check your local farm supply stores if you don't already have access to a trough.

Wash the trough. If you're using a trough that has been used by animals, spray it down with soapy water and rinse it well. Let the trough dry in the sun before you decorate it.

Decorate the trough. Drape the trough with tinsel, garlands, or other decorations to herald the coming of baby Jesus. Place hay inside the trough to create a realistic Christmas manger.

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