Arowe Location
Go to the sunflower hill just outside of the Kingdom of Rose. This is the same hill where the level 750 boss Diamond spawns.
Jump to the level right below the top of the hill. You can also get to the top of the sunflower hill and drop down one level instead.
Run around the level until you find the hidden wall. The hidden wall is right after a small elevation change on the level. To know if you have the right spot, line up the tree on top of the hill with the Factory.
Walk into the side of the sunflower hill. If you have the right location, you will be able to pass right through the wall. Enter the room to find arowe inside.
Unlocking Arowe's Dialogue
To speak to arowe, there are a few prerequisites: Race must be upgraded to V2 Level must be at least 1000 Must have at least $2,000,000 Must have defeated Don Swan, a level 1000 boss located in the Mansion
Arowe's Quest
Arowe's quest allows the user to upgrade their race to V3. The quest varies depending on what race your character is: Human: Kill the bosses Diamond, Jeremy, and Fajita Shark: Kill a naturally spawned Sea Beast Rabbit: Collect 30 chests Angel: Kill another Angel player Ghoul: Kill 5 players without dying (bounty does not need to be collected) Cyborg: Show arowe any physical Blox Fruit
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