Prayer Against Witchcraft
Heavenly Father, I come to you as your child, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I plead that blood over myself, my family, my home, and all that belongs to me. On the authority of God’s Word, I bind and break any curses, hexes, spells, bewitchments, witchcraft, sorcery, or magic being sent against me or my loved ones. I tear down any witchcraft altars erected against me. Through the power of Jesus’ shed blood, I nullify their power and dissolve any effects they have had in my life or affairs. I plead the promises of your protection in Psalm 91. I dwell in the shelter of the Most High. You alone are my refuge, my fortress. Under your wings, I take my refuge. Your faithfulness is my shield and rampart. No evil shall befall me, no scourge come near me. So I declare your Word against any agents of darkness sending evil my way. Holy Spirit, strengthen me with your power in my inner being. Make me alert, sober, and vigilant against the demonic forces trying to undermine my life and walk with God. Help me recognize and quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. Lord Jesus, send battalions of your warring angels to fight on my behalf, to dismantle any satanic attack being waged against my body, mind, family, finances, relationships, and soul. May they hedge me in and protect me. Holy Spirit, reveal to me any way I may have unknowingly partnered with darkness so I can repent and break all ungodly ties or covenants. I praise you, God, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Greater is the Holy Spirit living in me than any curse that could be pronounced. I overcome by the blood of the Lamb. Through Christ, I am more than a conqueror! All glory, power, and majesty to your Name alone! Amen!
Protection Prayer Against Witchcraft Attacks
Heavenly Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus Christ, seeking refuge and protection from all witchcraft attacks. I bind and rebuke every spirit of witchcraft, hexes, curses, and spells directed at me or my family. I cancel every assignment of the enemy to bring harm, affliction, or destruction into my life. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and my household, creating a hedge of protection that no evil force can penetrate. Lord, surround me with Your holy fire and let Your warring angels guard and defend me from any satanic attacks. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. In Jesus’ name, I am protected and kept safe from all harm. Amen.
Prayer Against Witchcraft Control
Heavenly Father, I humble myself before you, under your mighty hand so that you will lift me up in due time. I cast all of my anxieties on you because you care for me as a great Father. (1 Peter 5:6-7) You are my light and my salvation so I do not fear. As the Lord God, you are the stronghold of my life, so I am not afraid. (Psalm 27:1) I come before you today Lord to contend with and break off every mind control stronghold that is over my mind, in Jesus name. Father I bind and I cast into the Abyss all witchcraft mind control spirits that are operating in my life, in Jesus name. All controlling powers that are being used to keep me in bondage in the spirit and under their control I declare that they are burned to ashes by the fire of God, in Jesus name. I bind and I cast into the Abyss the spirit of Baal with all of their lies, deception, confusion, divination, and strong delusions, in Jesus name. Now fill me Lord with more self control, discipline, stability and wisdom. Lord, in your word it says to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ Jesus! So I command every false lie that comes to my mind to be cast down into the pit of hell and destroyed by the burning sulfur of fire, in Jesus name. I rebuke every spirit that is trying to rob me of my free will to think and make decisions on my own, in Jesus name. I rebuke all spirits that are trying to play a higher role than God in my life, by manipulating things to control my thoughts and actions in my dream state, in Jesus name. I command every chain and every other form of bondage used against me to be destroyed by the fire of God. I command my release now, in Jesus name! I rebuke and I bind all octopus and squid spirits in Jesus name. I command every unclean spirit to loose their grip off of my mind now. I rebuke and I bind all controlling spirits from the marine kingdom, in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, replace this new space with more of your spirit Lord.
Prayer Against Witchcraft and Manipulation
Almighty God, I come before You in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I renounce and break every form of witchcraft manipulation, mind control, or psychological oppression aimed at me or my family. I cancel every assignment of the enemy to influence, deceive, or enslave me through occult practices. I plead the precious blood of Jesus over my mind, will, and emotions, severing all ties to the kingdom of darkness. Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and the spirit of a sound mind. Surround me with Your divine protection, and let Your warring angels guard me against any satanic harassment or retaliation. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and no evil force shall have dominion over me, for You are my strong tower and refuge. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer Against Witchcraft and Jezebels
In the name of Yeshua, Father, I repent and renounce all internal and external Jezebel influences of intimidation, manipulation, and control. Father, I ask that You purify me with Your cleansing Blood. Make me a lady of much Holiness, grace, virtue, beauty, stillness, faith, righteousness, quietness, and rest. I break the grip of satanic intimidation, manipulation, and control over my life. Those who have made themselves instruments of oppression in my life shall be put to shame. I receive boldness from the Lord and I am free from the fear of the enemy. God exalts me above satanic intimidation and fear. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. IT WONT WORK. I cast out every demonic force that has entered the territory of my life. I send the fire of God against satanic control, intimidation, manipulation, and witchcraft. I am seated in heavenly places in Messiah Yeshua. I am far above satanic intimidation and control. I send the fire of God against every spirit that is meant to bind me. Father, destroy the destroyer, intimidate the intimidator, accuse the accuser, unseat the supplanter; and render them impotent and powerless who have given themselves to Satan to do evil against the children of God. Every spirit that is meant to bind me shall itself be bound and cast at the feet of Yeshua. I am seated in heavenly places in Messiah Yeshua and I declare that I am lifted far above Jezebel’s manipulation, intimidation, control, seduction, enchantment, accusations, and attacks. The fire of God is against you! The Lord shall utterly destroy every effort of Jezebel to destroy His prophets and the prophetic move of God. Every false accusation that has risen against me shall be embarrassed and put to shame. The Lord shall restore me from captivity and shame. Double honor and a double portion shall be my reward. The Lord has brought me to full REDEMPTION. Every effort of the enemy to manipulate my circumstances and cause me to be defeated in battle is annihilated. Every assignment of depression and oppression that would cause me to run from my assignment is utterly destroyed. I put on the full Armour of the Lord. The joy of the Lord is my strength. There shall be embarrassment for those who covet God’s promotion in my life. Every assignment to manipulate against my destiny to sift me from my place of blessing, purpose, and position will be put to shame. Father, please cut off the tongue of Jezebel assigned to speak against the prophets. I roast with double fire every evil word calling God’s good works evil. The Lord shall show me as a token for His good. The voice of the Blood of Yeshua shall redeem me – shall speak for me – shall protect me – shall cover me. The plans of those who want to use me for their own inordinate gains shall come to nothing. Every spell of Jezebel meant for my misfortune shall come to NOTHING and shall turn around for the opposite. Father, please cut off the expectations of those who would rejoice in my suffering. Let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end. Father, I repent of my sins. If there are those who can accuse me Lord please do not hearken to the voice of my accusers but wash me with Fuller’s soap. I decree and declare that everyone misusing their exalted and anointed position to attack me, their attack shall not stand. (Duet 23:5) I bring the fire of God against every spirit of Absalom that divides the family. I will not be like King Saul. I break free from the spirit of the fear of man. I bind every spirit of suicide and depression sent to destroy my prophetic purpose. (1 Samuel 15:27-28) The Lord has hedged me in. Every attempt of fear, depression, suicide, and despair shall not work against me. Father, loose the hounds of heaven against Jezebel. (1 Kings 21:23) I rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft, lust, seduction, intimidation, idolatry, and whoredom connected to Jezebel. I release the spirit of Jehu against Jezebel and her cohorts. (2 Kings 9:30–33) I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven. I rebuke all spirits of false teaching, false prophecy, idolatry, and perversion connected with Jezebel. (Revelation 2:20). Father, loose tribulation against the kingdom of Jezebel. (Revelation 2:22) I cut off the assignment of Jezebel against the ministers of God. (1 Kings 19:2) I cut off and break the powers of every word released by Jezebel against my life. I cut off Jezebel’s table and reject all food from it. (1 Kings 18:19) I cut off and loose myself from all curses of Jezebel and spirits of Jezebel operating in my bloodline. I cut off the assignment of Jezebel and her daughters to corrupt the church. I rebuke and cut off the spirit of Athaliah that attempts to destroy the royal seed. (2 Kings 11:1). I come against the spirit of Herodias and cut off the assignment to kill the prophets (Mark 6:22–24). I rebuke and cut off the spirit of whoredoms in the house of God (Hosea 4:12). I rebuke and cut off Jezebel and her witchcrafts. (2 Kings 9:22). I rebuke and cut off the harlot and mistress of witchcrafts and break her power over my life and family. (Nahum 3:4). Jezebel’s witchcraft is cut off and you will no longer cast spells. (Micah 5:12) I overcome Jezebel and receive power over the nations. (Revelation 2:26) In Yeshua’s name AMEN!
Prayer Against Witchcraft and Malicious Intent
Heavenly Father, You are always fighting for me, You send Your angels to guard over me against all forms of curses, evil, and witchcraft. I am continuously covered under the purest Blood of the precious Lamb who sits upon the throne, against all evils of this world. As I charge into battle, I fasten myself with Your full Armor that allows me to fight against witchcraft and the evil spirits that lurk in every dark corner of the land.
Prayer Against Witchcraft and Sorcery
Heavenly Father, I come before Your throne of grace, seeking refuge and deliverance from all forms of witchcraft and sorcery. I renounce and break every covenant, allegiance, or agreement with the kingdom of darkness, whether knowingly or unknowingly made. I cancel every evil incantation, ritual, or spell cast against me or my family. I command all demonic spirits associated with witchcraft to be bound and rendered powerless in the mighty name of Jesus. I cover myself and my loved ones with the precious blood of Christ, severing every psychic line or spiritual cord connecting us to any occult practices. Lord, send Your mighty angels to guard and protect us from any form of satanic harassment or retaliation. I declare that Your Word is my shield and buckler, and no evil shall befall me or come near my dwelling place. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer Against Witchcraft and Curses
I proclaim that “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree'" (Galatians 3:13). In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now bring the fullness of his cross, death, blood, and sacrifice, his resurrection, life, and empty tomb, his authority, rule, and dominion; I bring judgment from the throne of Jesus Christ against every foul power, witchcraft, black art, and curse. I bring Jesus Christ cursed for me against all curses that have been raised against me—written, spoken, unspoken, or transferred to me. [If you know what the exact curses are, it helps to name them. For example, “all curses of death,” or “all curses on my marriage or my health,” etc.] I bring the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, his blood shed upon the cross, against all blood sacrifices and rituals and their every claim against me. I bring Jesus Christ, the Son of God, sacrificed for me, against all ritual sacrifices and their every claim against me. I bring the dedication of Jesus Christ for me in death upon the cross against all ritual dedications. In the name, and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through ritual or ritual sacrifice. In the name, and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through transfer by another human being. In the name, and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through words spoken. In the name, and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through occult practices. In the name of Jesus, I declare every legal hold and every legal ground of the enemy broken, disarmed, and destroyed. Satan has no hold over me now through curses or occult practices, through sacrifices or ritual of any kind. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am free. Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free. I order these curses and claims utterly disarmed and dismantled now, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, and in his name. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all demonic spirits that have gained access to me through curses and rituals cut off and banished from me and my household, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus, I ask you to send your angels now to completely disarm all curses and black arts from me; disarm their every device and render them destroyed. I ask your angels to remove all foul spirits involved in these curses and black arts and bind them to your feet for judgment. I now claim every spiritual blessing that my Heavenly Father has given to me in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). I claim those blessings right here in the very place of all cursing, by the authority and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in his name. Jesus, may these things be fully accomplished now through your mighty name. I give you thanks and honor and praise. All of this I pray by the authority and in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came in the flesh.
Prayer Against Witchcraft Seeing Eye
Righteous God, I come before You in the name of Jesus Christ, seeking protection from the evil “seeing eye” of witchcraft. I bind and rebuke every spirit of witchcraft, divination, and the occult that may be seeking to monitor, spy on, or gain insight into my life or affairs. I cancel every assignment of the enemy to gather information about me or my loved ones for nefarious purposes. I plead the blood of Jesus over every area of my life, creating a veil of protection that no evil force can penetrate. Lord, let Your holy fire consume and destroy every evil “seeing eye” and its effects. Surround me with Your warring angels, and let them guard and protect me from all satanic harassment and retaliation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Warfare Prayer Against Witchcraft
Heavenly Father, Your warrior prepares for battle. Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God! I put on the Girdle of Truth! May I stand firm in the truth of Your Word so I will not be a victim of Satan’s lies. I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness! May it guard my heart against evil so I will remain pure and holy, protected under the blood of Jesus Christ. I put on the Shoes of Peace! May I stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel so Your peace will shine through me and be a light to all I encounter. I take the Shield of Faith! May I discern Satan’s fiery darts of doubt, denial, and deceit so I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat. I put on the Helmet of Salvation! May I keep my mind focused on You so Satan will not have a stronghold on my thoughts. I take the Sword of the Spirit! May the two-edged sword of Your Word be ready in my hands so I can expose the tempting words of Satan. By faith, your warrior has put on the whole armor of God! I am prepared to live this day in spiritual victory! Amen.
Covering Prayer Against Witchcraft
Eternal Father, I humbly bow before Your throne of grace, putting on the full armor of God. I cover myself and all under my roof with the precious blood of Jesus, through which He disarmed and triumphed over all demonic powers. I take authority over any wicked, lying spirits of witchcraft that may be operating against me or my family in any shape, form, or manifestation. By the superior authority, power, and dominion of the name of Jesus Christ, I break and cancel all diabolical assignments, evil intentions, spells, rituals, and curses. I declare that the truth of God’s Word prevails over the deception and destruction intended by the enemy. I resist the devil and his kingdom of darkness, and they must flee. I belong to the Lord God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and no weapon forged against me shall prosper. Thank You, Lord, for Your complete victory over the adversary. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
Cleansing Prayer Against Witchcraft
Heavenly Father, In the mighty name of Jesus, we come before you on behalf of Anonymous, who is seeking your intervention and deliverance from the destructive effects of witchcraft in their home and marriage. Lord, we know that you are the ultimate authority and have power over all evil forces. Your word assures us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We pray, Lord, that you would expose and dismantle every work of witchcraft that has been placed in their home. We ask that you break every curse, every evil spell, and every demonic influence that is causing division and strife in their marriage. Your word says in James 4:7, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." We declare that Satan has no power or authority over this marriage, and we resist him in the name of Jesus. Father, we ask for your divine protection over Anonymous and their spouse. Shield them from the attacks of the enemy and surround them with your angels of protection. Fill their home with your peace, love, and harmony. Help them to walk in forgiveness and understanding towards one another, knowing that their battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces, Lord, we pray for a transformation in the heart of the husband's brother. We ask that you would open his eyes to the truth and convict him of his actions. May he repent and turn away from any involvement in witchcraft or any other form of darkness. Let your light shine in his life and bring restoration and reconciliation to their family. Finally, Lord, we pray for Anonymous and their spouse. Strengthen their bond, renew their love for one another, and restore their marriage. Help them to communicate effectively, to seek your guidance in all decisions, and to rely on your grace and wisdom. May their home be a place of peace, joy, and unity, reflecting your love and glory. We thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayer and for your faithfulness to answer. We trust in your power and authority to break every chain and bring healing and restoration to this marriage. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Guide to Protecting Against Witchcraft
Repentance should accompany your prayers against witchcraft. Start by confessing any former participation in witchcraft you might have. Do it earnestly and seek forgiveness wholeheartedly. It’s also a good idea to say a prayer for cleansing or take part in a religious ritual that accomplishes the same thing.
Look for spiritual guidance to protect against witchcraft. Meet with a minister, religious figure, or spiritual advisor you trust. Tell them if you feel you’re a victim of witchcraft and ask for their help. They can assist you in your search for protection by recommending prayer, church services, and time spent in the religious community you cherish most. You can also find out how best to reverse a curse or fight against witchcraft manipulation or control.
Read scripture from the Bible aloud to fully absorb its meaning. There are numerous verses found in the Bible believed to hold power over forces of evil, including those like witchcraft. Use these powerful words to ward off dark forces and continue to pray for protection and deliverance against evil. Mark the verses that you feel the most protected by, so you can call upon them when needed. EXPERT TIP Olivia Woodford Olivia Woodford Holy Bible Expert Olivia Woodford is a Holy Bible Expert and the Founder of Bible Women Speak. Olivia has been teaching biblical stories of women through theater since 1992. She is a member of Biblical Storytellers International and has performed at and hosted learning retreats with churches, schools, and women's groups of all denominations throughout the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Olivia has a BFA in Theater Arts from Boston University. Olivia Woodford Olivia Woodford Holy Bible Expert You can also pray for someone else who is under spiritual attack. You pray for the highest good to be done. There's a certain amount of not trying to interfere, but trying to appeal to the divine to support the best of who a person is spiritually.
Take control over your spiritual life. Use the many spiritually-focused prayers against witchcraft that are available to you. This way, you can take back the power that you feel witchcraft has over you. You can overcome anything threatening your spiritual life through continued prayer, faith, and the power of God.
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