What is a “white lie party”?
At a “white lie party,” everyone wears a T-shirt with a white lie on it. This fun and unique party concept has been going viral on TikTok recently. The idea is that everyone shows up to the party wearing a white T-shirt with a little lie about themselves written on it with a black marker. The lie is supposed to be something funny or clever, and it usually reveals a habit or quirk you have. For example, if someone’s white lie T-shirt said, “I can totally parallel park my car,” they’re actually revealing that they can’t parallel park. Your white lie could also be a funny joke about the party itself. For example, you could write “I’m not tipsy right now,” “I never get anxious at parties,” or “I can totally hear what you’re saying over the music.” Ultimately, white lie parties are meant to be a fun way to make people laugh, poke fun at yourself, and connect with friends over the silly quirks we all have, but don’t usually talk about.
100 White Lie T-Shirt Ideas
If you’re not sure what to write on your white lie T-shirt, we’ve got you! Here are some unique and hilarious white lie ideas to inspire you. “I’m not addicted to TikTok.” “I’m a morning person.” “I don’t need caffeine.” “I never snooze my alarm.” “I never get moody.” “I’m an excellent driver.” “I can parallel park.” “I’ve never gotten into a fender bender.” “I’m not a picky eater.” “I love vegetables.” “I can do simple math.” “I got straight A’s in school.” “All my teachers totally loved me.” “I love Zoom meetings.” “I love small talk.” “It’s super easy for me to talk to strangers.” “I always say the right thing.” “I’m not afraid of spiders.” “I work out 7 days a week.” “I love camping.” “I don’t mind sleeping in a tent.” “I’m super outdoorsy.” “I love trying new things.” “I’ve never lied to get out of plans.” “I have a ton of money in my savings account.” “I pay down my credit card every month.” “I absolutely have my life together.” “I know what I’m doing.” “I’m not indecisive at all.” “I’m not a big overthinker.” “I got 8 hours of sleep last night.” “I always wear matching socks.” “I never send drunk texts.” “I’m totally over my ex.” “I don’t use dating apps.” “After tonight, I’m deleting Tinder.” “I’ve never stalked an ex on social media.” “I’ve never looked up an ex’s new partner online.” “I don’t get jealous.” “I have great taste in guys/girls.” “I’ve never been ghosted.” “I’ve never hooked up with a friend.” “I don’t have social anxiety.” “I haven’t cried at all this week.” “It’s super hard to hurt my feelings.” “It only takes me 10 minutes to get ready in the morning.” “I don’t proofread my emails 100 times before sending.” “I always read the terms and conditions before signing.” “I’ve never lied and said I loved someone’s outfit when I hated it.” “I won’t judge you based on your taste in music.” “I don’t wear makeup—I just naturally look like this.” “Yup, my hair color is totally natural.” “I’ve never edited a picture I posted on Instagram.” “I never listen to sad break-up songs and cry.” “I have absolutely no emotional baggage.” “I am entirely mentally stable.” “I don’t give myself pep talks in the mirror.” “I’m not high maintenance at all.” “I hate being the center of attention.” “I’m not a drama queen.” “I never gossip.” “I’m not competitive at all.” “Sorry for not replying—my phone died.” “My bad for being late. I was stuck in traffic.” “Can I borrow ten bucks? I’ll pay you back.” “I’ve never practiced my Oscars acceptance speech in the mirror.” “I’ve never pretended to be a popstar using a hairbrush as a microphone.” “I’ve never imagined which celebrity would play me in a movie about my life.” “I don’t pretend to be a model strutting on the runway when I’m on the treadmill.” “I don’t practice my autograph just in case I get famous.” “I’ve never pretended to be in a music video while listening to music.” “I don’t want to drop everything and move to a cabin in the forest.” “I’ve never slept with the lights on after watching a horror movie.” “I’ve never read the SparkNotes instead of reading the book.” “I’ve never eaten a whole pizza by myself.” “I can call the doctor’s office to make an appointment without my mom’s help.” “I’ve never pretended to be on the phone to avoid talking to someone.” “I’ve never given someone a fake phone number.” “I’ve never lied and said I had a boyfriend when someone asked me out.” “I didn’t have an embarrassing nickname when I was growing up.” “I haven’t rewatched my comfort movie a million times.” “I’ve never snuck outside food into a movie theater.” “I don’t talk to my pet out loud like they’re a human.” “I never yell at other drivers even though they can’t hear me.” “I’m totally sober right now.” “I swear, I’m not tipsy at all.” “I don’t want another drink.” “After tonight, I’m taking a break from alcohol.” “I’m not much of a partier.” “My tummy doesn’t hurt at all right now.” “Parties don’t make me anxious at all.” “I know everyone at this party.” “I totally remember your name.” “I brought a date tonight.” “I don’t have a crush on anyone at this party.” “I’m not zoning out —I’m just thinking about what you said.” “I totally love your outfit.” “I can definitely hear what you’re saying over the music.” “I wouldn’t rather be in my bed watching TV right now.” “I didn’t stress out about what white lie to write on this T-shirt.”
How to Make a White Lie T-Shirt
Making a white lie T-shirt is actually super simple. You’ll need to get a plain white T-shirt and a black fabric marker or a thick black sharpie. Pick an inexpensive shirt that you won’t want to wear again in the future, since you’ll be writing on it. From there, all you need to do is pick a white lie and use your marker to write it in big letters across the front of your shirt.
Outfits to Wear to a White Lie Party
Wear your white T-shirt with the bottoms of your choice. The only major rule for this type of party is to wear a white T-shirt with a lie written across it, but you can pair this T-shirt with anything you’d like. A super common choice would be to wear the shirt with your favorite pair of jeans, for example, but you could also wear shorts or a skirt if you prefer.
Wear an all-white ensemble. You don’t need to wear all white to the party, but if you want to be super on theme, you could pair your T-shirt with white pants, white shorts, or a white skirt. You can even wear your T-shirt over a white dress if you want a bit of a fancier option.
Get creative with the style of your white T-shirt. If a basic white T-shirt seems a little too simple for you, opt for a cropped baby tee, oversized tee, long sleeve tee or even a T-shirt dress. As long as it's white and you don't mind writing on it, you can pick any style you like!
How to Throw a White Lie Party
White lie party invitation ideas Because the concept of a white lie party is relatively new, some people might not know what it means, so use your invitation as an opportunity to explain the theme and provide instructions about what to wear. You can make handmade invitations, use a computer to design some flyers, send out an Evite—whatever works for you!
Decor & atmosphere You don’t necessarily need to have any special decor, but if you want, you can take this chance to really lean into the theme. Things like white balloons, white streamers, white flowers, or white string lights can really take your party to the next level. You can even use a black sharpie to write white lies on the white balloons if you want to go all out. You’ll want to have snacks, beverages, and music as well, just like you would for a regular party.
Party games & activities You don’t need to plan any special activities for your party if you don’t want to, and it can definitely be fun to have your guests just mingle and hang out with each other. However, if you want to go all-in on the white lie theme, here are a few fun things you can do: Have an award for the best white lie T-shirt of the night. Everyone at the party can write down the name of the person whose shirt they like best, then at the end of the night the person with the most votes gets a small prize. Play two truths and a lie. In this fun game, each player says two true things about themselves and one lie. The other players try to guess which of the three statements is the lie. Play never have I ever. In this game, players sit in a circle and take turns sharing something they’ve never done. Anyone in the circle who has done this thing takes a sip of their drink. One of the fun parts of this game is trying to figure out if everyone in the circle is being truthful.
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