3 burnt to death as mob torches houses in Bihar village
3 burnt to death as mob torches houses in Bihar village
The bodies were yet to be identified as all three were charred beyond recognition, police said.

Muzaffarpur: Three persons were charred to death as a mob on Sunday torched nine houses in a village in Bihar's Muzaffarpur district following the recovery of an abducted youth's body.

The body of 19-year-old Bhartendu Kumar was found near the house of Vikki, who is the main accused in the abduction and murder case, in Ajitpur village, a police officer said.

As soon as the news spread, the mob gathered near Vikki's residence and torched it along with eight other houses, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ranjeet Kumar Mishra said.

The bodies were yet to be identified as all three were charred beyond recognition, he said.

Vikki's father, who is a co-accused, has been arrested on the charges of kidnapping and murder of the 19 year-old youth, Mishra said, adding, raids were on to nab the other accused in the case and also those involved in arson.

As many as 400 policemen, including 40 police officers, were camping in the village to monitor the law and order situation which was tense, but under control, the SSP said.

Kumar had gone missing from the village on January 9. Vikki was named as an accused by the abducted youth's father, he said.

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