AICC cold to Botcha plan
AICC cold to Botcha plan
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsThe Congress high command is keeping state Congress president Botcha Satyanarayana guessing on reconstitution of the Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) and the District Congress Committees (DCCs).  The PCC chief, who camped in the capital for two days and met the AICC top brass, came back here on Saturday night empty-handed as the high command did not give its nod for constitution of party committees at various levels in the state.Though Botcha completed 13 months as PCC president, he could not constitute party committees as per his choice so far. As there are no committees for the party at various levels even the DCCs have become defunct. Because of this the PCC chief is facing hurdles in rectifying the organisational lapses in the party.Following the recent demands from leaders that party posts be filled at the earliest, Botcha held confabulations with AICC general secretary in charge of state affairs Ghulam Nabi Azad during his Delhi tour and is understood to have sought the permission of the high command to appoint party state executives and DCCs.Botcha also submitted a list of his choice men to fill those posts. But, sources said that Azad kept this list on hold once again.Some leaders are trying to draw their own inferences from the repeated denials by the party high command to the proposals of the PCC chief to fill the party posts. These leaders suspect that the high command is not allowing the PCC chief to constitute party committees as it might  change the leadership of the state Congress. Aides of Botcha are dismissing this argument as false.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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The Congress high command is keeping state Congress president Botcha Satyanarayana guessing on reconstitution of the Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) and the District Congress Committees (DCCs).  

The PCC chief, who camped in the capital for two days and met the AICC top brass, came back here on Saturday night empty-handed as the high command did not give its nod for constitution of party committees at various levels in the state.

Though Botcha completed 13 months as PCC president, he could not constitute party committees as per his choice so far. As there are no committees for the party at various levels even the DCCs have become defunct. Because of this the PCC chief is facing hurdles in rectifying the organisational lapses in the party.

Following the recent demands from leaders that party posts be filled at the earliest, Botcha held confabulations with AICC general secretary in charge of state affairs Ghulam Nabi Azad during his Delhi tour and is understood to have sought the permission of the high command to appoint party state executives and DCCs.

Botcha also submitted a list of his choice men to fill those posts. But, sources said that Azad kept this list on hold once again.

Some leaders are trying to draw their own inferences from the repeated denials by the party high command to the proposals of the PCC chief to fill the party posts. These leaders suspect that the high command is not allowing the PCC chief to constitute party committees as it might  change the leadership of the state Congress. Aides of Botcha are dismissing this argument as false.

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