BANGALORE: The Lokayukta Court has admitted the private case filed against BJP MLA of Dasarahalli constituency, S Muniraju, on Wed..
BANGALORE: The Lokayukta Court has admitted the private case filed against BJP MLA of Dasarahalli constituency, S Muniraju, on Wednesday. The court directed the Lokayukta sleuths to file an investigation report on November 19. Judge N K Sudheendra Rao admitted the case and ordered an investigation. The police are likely to file a criminal case against the MLA and other accused in the case in a few days.One, Puttaswamy, a resident of Kereguddadahalli in Yeshwanthpur Hobli, had filed a complaint against the MLA in the Lokayukta Court on Monday, accusing the MLA of forging documents to grab land belonging to Mallamma, the complainants’ mother-in-law.
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