Inner Girivalam path closed for public
Inner Girivalam path closed for public
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsThe Tiruvannamalai Forest Department has closed down the inner Girivalam path, which goes along the foothills of the holy mountain Annamalai, to protect the green cover and keep the Adi Annamalai reserve forest area clean.The forest department has taken the stringent measure following the recent fire accident that destroyed a vast expanse of green cover of the hills.Forest department sources said hundreds of foreigners coming to the temple town had opted to use the eight-kilometre inner Girivalam path instead of taking the 14 km Girivalam path.Apart from this, miscreants were gaining entry into the forest areas on the pretext of performing Girivalam and were indulging in illegal activities such as consuming liquor.They often left behind inflammable items such as match sticks that led to fire accidents.Frequent fire accidents have occurred in the recent past, destroying the green cover in the hills to a large extent. “To put an end to such forest fire, to protect the green cover, keep the forest area clean and protect the sanity of the holy hill, we have decided to close downthe inner Girivalam path.We have also requested the public and pilgrims to extend their cooperation to protect the vegetation inside the Adi Annamalai RF,” said District Forest Officer V Naganathan.The forest department has also directed the ashrams not to organise Girivalam along the inner path. The forest department has planned to erect sign boards at various points along the forest area warning against trespassing.“We have planned to put up notice boards in vantage points at 50 places along the RF cautioning the intruders of prosecution. The notice boards will be erected within a week,” Naganathan added.He said the department personnel would be deployed along the closed entry points on full moon day to prevent pilgrims from entering the forest area.“We will place special teams to monitor the movement along the forest area and prevent the pilgrims from entering the RF,” he said.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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The Tiruvannamalai Forest Department has closed down the inner Girivalam path, which goes along the foothills of the holy mountain Annamalai, to protect the green cover and keep the Adi Annamalai reserve forest area clean.

The forest department has taken the stringent measure following the recent fire accident that destroyed a vast expanse of green cover of the hills.

Forest department sources said hundreds of foreigners coming to the temple town had opted to use the eight-kilometre inner Girivalam path instead of taking the 14 km Girivalam path.

Apart from this, miscreants were gaining entry into the forest areas on the pretext of performing Girivalam and were indulging in illegal activities such as consuming liquor.

They often left behind inflammable items such as match sticks that led to fire accidents.

Frequent fire accidents have occurred in the recent past, destroying the green cover in the hills to a large extent. “To put an end to such forest fire, to protect the green cover, keep the forest area clean and protect the sanity of the holy hill, we have decided to close downthe inner Girivalam path.

We have also requested the public and pilgrims to extend their cooperation to protect the vegetation inside the Adi Annamalai RF,” said District Forest Officer V Naganathan.

The forest department has also directed the ashrams not to organise Girivalam along the inner path. The forest department has planned to erect sign boards at various points along the forest area warning against trespassing.

“We have planned to put up notice boards in vantage points at 50 places along the RF cautioning the intruders of prosecution. The notice boards will be erected within a week,” Naganathan added.

He said the department personnel would be deployed along the closed entry points on full moon day to prevent pilgrims from entering the forest area.

“We will place special teams to monitor the movement along the forest area and prevent the pilgrims from entering the RF,” he said.

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