A murder case was on Thursday lodged against former BSP minister Nand Gopal Gupta alias Nandi and four others in Allahabad. A woman, Anita Devi, whose husband Rakesh Yadav is lodged in Naini jail, was returning home on a motorcycle after meeting him when she was shot dead yesterday, DIG (public grievance) Jai Narain Singh said.
A murder case was on Thursday lodged against former BSP minister Nand Gopal Gupta alias Nandi and four others in Allahabad. A woman, Anita Devi, whose husband Rakesh Yadav is lodged in Naini jail, was returning home on a motorcycle after meeting him when she was shot dead yesterday, DIG (public grievance) Jai Narain Singh said.
On the complaint of Anita Devi's daughter, a case under sections 302 (murder) and 120-B (conspiracy) of IPC was lodged against the former stamp and registration minister and four others, Singh said.
Rakesh Yadav in presently in jail in connection with attack on Nandi in 2010.
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