No animosity between me and Leander Paes: Somdev Devvarman
No animosity between me and Leander Paes: Somdev Devvarman
Somdev Devvarman Wednesday said he may have difference of opinion with Leander Paes but there is no animosity between them.

Bangalore: Somdev Devvarman Wednesday said he may have difference of opinion with Leander Paes but there is no animosity between them. Somdev had led a players revolt against AITA, demanding better playing conditions, forcing Paes to lead a depleted Indian side against South Korea in February.

Somdev said all of them stand united as they face Indonesia in the relegation play-off tie, beginning Friday. "There is no animosity," he said. "It is great to be back in the Davis Cup team. We are having a good time and in fact, went bowling last night. There is no animosity between me and Leander. It is not that we have met here for the first time.

We have been seeing each other in tours. We have differences of opinion, but does not mean we do not respect each other. We both know the reasons for what we did. We still think highly of him and his credentials speak of themselves," he said. About the Davis Cup tie against Indonesia, Somdev said he was happy with his form and fitness coming into the Davis Cup match.

"I had some good wins this year and so I am match-sharp. It was tough coming back after the shoulder surgery. I started this year at something like 660 and now moved up to 208. I am not too concerned about the rankings, but more important is to stay healthy," he said.

Non-playing team captain Shiv Prakash Misra said it has been a long journey of six years and now Indian team needed a younger captain. Recounting his best moment as the captain, Misra said he witnessed some noticeable victories, but the one against Brazil is still etched in his mind. "We were 0-2 down and Somdev came up with a superb performance, beating Brazil 3-2 in an enthralling decider of the tie," he said.

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