Revenue officer arrested in land bungling case
Revenue officer arrested in land bungling case

The Crime Branch of Odisha Police on Monday arrested a revenue officer of Bhubaneswar in connection with the Shaympur mouza land bungling case. Sridhar Mishra, who was the then assistant settlement officer, was held by the CB which produced him before a local court on the day.

Mishra is the sixth man to be arrested in connection with the 80-acre government land bungling case. The matter had come to the fore in 2005 after GA Department lodged a complaint with the Capital Police Station.

Subsequently, the Crime Branch took over. With the latest arrest, the Crime Branch is now in a position to submit chargesheets in the case, Additional Director-General of Police, Crime Branch, Bijay Kumar Sharma said.

“We have completed the necessary formalities and have reached a point where we can submit the chargesheets,” he said.  In fact, the Orissa High Court has also asked the Crime Branch to start trial in the case at the earliest. In February, the Crime Branch had arrested two amins in this regard.

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