Kundali Bhagya actor Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are now heading towards a new phase of their lives. The couple is all set to experience parenthood as they are expecting their first baby together. On Saturday, the couple took to their respective social media handles and shared the news with their fans. They dropped adorable pictures of themselves holding sonogram photos of their baby while kissing each other. In another picture, Dheeraj and Vinny can be seen beaming with happiness and excitement. They revealed that the baby will arrive in August this year. “We are expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022,” the caption read.
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Fans and friends from the industry were quick to send wishes to the couple. Within minutes after Vinny Arora made the announcement, the comments section of her post was flooded with congratulatory and celebratory messages. Several TV actors including Shraddha Arya and Kishwer Merchant also responded to this big announcement. Kishwer Merchant commented, “Had a feeling, don’t know why…congratulations same month btw.” Dheeraj’s co-star Shraddha Arya chimed in and congratulated the couple. “Great news …Loads of love,” commented Mohit Malik. Pandya Store fame Shiny Dhosi also sent wishes to the couple and wrote, “Best news ???? super happy for you guys. Can’t wait now.” Other celebrities who congratulated the couple include Ridhi Dogra, Mahhi Vij, and Avika Gor among others.
For the unversed, Dheeraj Dhoopar and Vinny Arora met for the first time in 2009 during the shoot of Mata Pitah Ke Charnon Mein Swarg. However, they fell in love when they were shooting for another show in 2016. Their on-screen and off-screen chemistry was apparent and fans loved their bond. They tied the knot in November 2016.
On the work front, Dheeraj Dhoopar is currently seen in Kundali Bhagya. He plays the role of Karan Luthra in the show. Kundali Bhagya also stars Shraddha Arya in the lead and their chemistry is widely loved by the audience. The shwo airs on Zee TV.
Congratulations Dheeraj Dhoopar and Vinny Arora!
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