Watch: Daughter Skips Math Class, 'Crazy Dad' Turns Her Room Into A Jail Cell
Watch: Daughter Skips Math Class, 'Crazy Dad' Turns Her Room Into A Jail Cell
The footage reveals the man removing all his daughter's belongings, from her bed, books and TV to her wardrobe, leaving behind an empty space.

When it comes to addressing the common issue of skipping classes, parents often find themselves at a crossroads, trying to determine the best approach to teach their children the value of education. While some resort to discussions or disciplinary measures like taking away devices, one father has recently taken a more extreme route that has captivated and divided audiences online. A TikTok video features this “crazy dad” who turned his daughter’s room into a “personal jail cell” after she and two friends skipped math class. The footage reveals him methodically removing all her belongings, from her bed, books, and TV to her wardrobe, leaving behind an empty space as a stark reminder of her actions.

But the punishment doesn’t stop there. He further escalates the situation by making her wear a T-shirt that reads, “I skipped maths class,” insisting she don it for two days. The video concludes with the shirt placed on the floor next to her shoes. Since the clip went viral, it has sparked a wave of mixed reactions, with many social media users criticising the father’s harsh methods.

In the video, the father explained, “My daughter cut her 2nd period math class with 2 of her friends. So, I decided for her punishment, I would her room into her own personal jail cell. The fact that she even trying to test me crazy because lord knows I try but know I gotta get diabolical. I can be very cool dad or I can be the very crazy dad in crazy way. So I took everything from her, literally everything. But there is more like having to where this one outfit for the next 2 days, including a shirt that says, I skipped math class.”

Reacting to the post, a user wrote, “Yall are talking about locking her up like its Fort Knox. Yall are s**t communicators and its showing. Why tf you can’t sit your baby down and try to understand? Instead yall go straight to acting like Hitler.”

Another shared, “This is literally abuse and nothing will convince me otherwise.”

“As a dad, this is a bit much. I’m talking about taking the bed and posting it on social media. These are the same people who shout, ‘You can’t tell me how to parent,’ but then show us just how bad they are at it,” a comment read.


Another wrote, “This is so gross and weird. The effort and energy he took to do this, he could’ve spent sitting her down and having a CONVERSATION with her about why skipping is not okay. That would’ve been more beneficial than this. He’s gonna be shocked when she goes no-contact with him.”

An individual shared, “I would never so thoroughly violate my child’s privacy like this, unless she’s caught dealing hard drugs or something and it’s a safety issue to check her whole room. Otherwise, this is so not the way.”

One more added, “My parents did this to me for a summer during elementary school. Trust me, it didn’t improve anything.”

Since the video was shared on X, it has garnered over 34 million views.

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