Teaching a lesson the hard way, a woman in Japan decided to make her boyfriend pay for cheating on her. In what would hurt him the most, she took all his beloved Apple products and drowned them in a bathtub full of water.
Thereafter, in order to drive the point home, she took photographs of what she had done and sent them to him. The tweet with photos of the Apple products in water has gone viral.
According to website rocketnews24, some Apple fans lamented the destruction of their holy goods, but there have been many positive reactions too.
"Just getting what you deserved."
"It's OK because your smart phone is still alive!"
"Good thing it's not in a used toilet."
"Makes you think twice about cheating on your significant other."
"Seems a little bit harsh."
浮気ばれてんけど、電化製品全て風呂ボチャはえぐない?— ❸⓪❺号室 (@foolishnessfly2) April 18, 2015
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