Getting a driver’s licence is crucial if you want to drive on roads since it makes you eligible according to governmental norms. Getting a driver’s licence includes multiple aspects that make you adept at roads. For example, you are tested on your driving skills, ability to identify road signs, and understanding of road rules and regulations.
Before you are provided with a permanent driving licence, you first have to apply for a learner’s licence. The learner’s licence brushes up your skills before you get a permanent licence. Gone are the times when you had to stand in long queues to apply for a licence, things are easy peasy now. Here’s a guide to get you through the process.
Documents Required
Two major documents required for a successful application of a driver’s licence are age proof and address proof. It is necessary to provide age proof since an applicant needs to be 18 years of age and above to apply for a learner’s licence. For two-wheelers, the minimum age for a learner’s licence is 16 years.
For age proof, you can submit any of the following documents:
PAN card
Aadhaar card
Birth certificate
Transfer certificate from school
Voter ID
Class 10 marksheet
For address proof, you can submit any of the following documents.
Voter ID
Aadhaar card
Ration card
Electricity bill
Life insurance policy
Among the list of documents also comes an affidavit authorised by a public notary or magistrate, a medical certificate, and a physical fitness declaration form.
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Once you have submitted all the required documents, pay the fee, and acquire a printout of the receipt. During the process, you will also need to book a slot for your driving and written test. You will have to score a minimum of 60 percent on your written test to pass. In case you do not pass, you can reapply and try again.
Once you have acquired a learner’s licence, you can apply for a permanent one after six months. Your permanent licence will be sent to you by Speed Post.
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