Go to Chunkbase's Nether Fortress Finder app. Chunkbase, a popular site for Minecraft tutorials, mods, and more, has a Nether Fortress Finder tool that will locate all of the Nether Fortresses in your world.
Enter your seed in the text box next to "Seed". If you don't know how to get your Minecraft world seed, simply type /seed into the chat console on Java edition. You must have permission to use commands in the server to get the seed in this way. If you don't want to get the seed of your server (or you can't, due to server permissions) you can also load your seed from a save file. Simply click the Load from Save… button and select the level.dat file for your game (which is a small file located in the folder for your Minecraft saved game). You can also press the Random button to put a random seed into the Ancient City Finder. Alternatively, you can find a seed for an interesting-looking Minecraft world] and check to see where any Ancient Cities are located.
Select your game version from the dropdown. Make sure to select the correct version for either your Java or Bedrock Edition game.
Find a Nether Fortress on the map you want to navigate to in-game. The dots on the map are all Nether Fortress locations. Hover over a nearby dot and the coordinates to the Nether Fortress will be under the map. Lining up your mouse to get the coordinates can be tricky, so zoom all the way in if you're not able to find the coordinates to the ancient city.
Navigate to the coordinates, or use the teleport cheat code. If you prefer to not use cheat codes, you can manually navigate in your Minecraft game to the coordinates provided by Chunkbase. Otherwise, type execute as [username] in minecraft:the_nether run teleport [coordinates] in Java Edition and execute as [username] in the_nether run teleport [coordinates] in Bedrock Edition, where [username] is your username and [coordinates] are the coordinates of the Nether Fortress.
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