Tamil Nadu Extends Quarterly Holidays Till October 6, Schools To Reopen On Oct 7
Tamil Nadu Extends Quarterly Holidays Till October 6, Schools To Reopen On Oct 7
The quarterly exam holidays were scheduled from September 27 to October 3, 2024.

Tamil Nadu school education department on Wednesday extended the quarterly holidays till October 6. Quarterly exams in Tamil Nadu schools commenced on September 20 and are scheduled to conclude on Friday, September 27. The quarterly exam holidays are scheduled to begin on Saturday, September 28.

The quarterly exam holidays were scheduled from September 28 to October 2, 2024. The school were set to reopen on October 3, however, the holidays have been extended till October 6, 2024, following various requests from teachers’ associations and students for the extension of the quarterly holidays.

The school education department released the quarterly examination schedule for classes 6 to 12 in government, government-aided, and private schools at the beginning of the year. Initially, it included 220 working days, which sparked protests from teachers’ unions, as the usual number of working days is only 210.

In response to the protests, the department issued a revised calendar that reduced the working days back to 210. As outlined in the academic calendar, the announcement regarding the quarterly exams has been made, and these exams are currently underway.

The exams for Plus-1 and Plus-2 classes began on September 19, while classes 6 to 10 started their quarterly exams on September 20 and the exams are scheduled to be completed by September 27. Earlier this year, the reopening of all schools in Tamil Nadu was postponed till June 10 due to severe heatwave conditions in the state.

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