11 Effective Ways to Make a Capricorn Man Miss You
11 Effective Ways to Make a Capricorn Man Miss You
Capricorn men are often ambitious and steadfast, making them very desirable partners. It's no wonder you want your Capricorn to long for you when you're gone, and we've got plenty of tips to help you with just that. To make him miss you, you'll have to show him that you share his ambition and integrity (and flirt with him a little, too). Read on for the best tips so you can ensure that this Capricorn man wants to be with you all of the time.

Text him a compliment.

Capricorn men like to be praised for their many strengths. Text him all the reasons you like him, and be specific. Your messages will mean more if they point out what makes him so special (like his cute laugh or his music taste). He'll appreciate your kind words, and he'll end up missing your encouragement when you're gone. Make your compliments special by complimenting him on his unique traits. You might say, "You always have the best book recommendations!" or "You've got a great sense of humor." For a more flirty approach, compliment his appearance. You might say something like, "I think you're so handsome" or "You've got the best smile ????"

Plan thoughtful dates that relate to his interests.

He'll appreciate that you made an effort for him. Capricorns often enjoy dates that have been planned and thought-out, rather than casual hangouts. Opt for dates that feel a little more formal and pick date spots that relate to his hobbies and interests to show that you've been paying attention to him. He'll end up leaving your dates looking forward to what you'll plan next. Go for locations like art galleries, museums, or coffee shops that are connected to his passions somehow. If he's into history, for example, take him to a history museum in your area. For a more romantic ambiance, pick a nice, secluded restaurant or cook him a home-cooked meal. Try setting out candles and playing some music, too.

Wear stylish and elegant outfits.

Capricorns are usually attracted to classic, flattering styles. Opt for clothes that make you feel confident and cute. You might also try spritzing on some cologne or perfume. Your Capricorn will miss you and look forward to seeing what you wear next. Try wearing earth tones, like olive green, charcoal, brown, and mustard to appeal to his earth sign sensibilities.

Keep yourself busy so that you’re not always available.

He'll be drawn to someone with their own independent life. Make plenty of plans with your friends and family and make time for yourself, too. He'll like the fact that you're not 100% available all of the time, and he'll miss you when you're away living your exciting life. Schedule nights out with friends, visit your family if they live in the area, and plan some fun solo outings as well. Avoid changing your plans to accommodate your guy's schedule. Give him an alternative time instead!

Be ambitious and go for your goals.

Capricorn men want someone just as ambitious as they are. Strive to meet your professional and educational goals, and throw yourself into your passions, too. Talk openly about what you've been doing when you go out with your Capricorn guy, and ask about what he's been up to as well. He'll think about all the cool things you're doing when you're away and will want to keep learning more about you. Go for projects and exciting opportunities at work. If you'd like to change things up, consider taking classes at a community college in your area or reading up on some new subjects. Mention your endeavors when you spend time with your Capricorn man. You might say something like, "It's good to get out tonight! I've been busy working on grad school applications all week." Ask him about his pursuits as well. He'll likely enjoy the chance to talk about his career and will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Ask him for advice.

He'll likely have plenty of knowledge and expertise to share. If you run into any problems or difficult circumstances (especially at work), share what's going on and ask if he's got any advice. He'll like feeling useful, and he'll long for more opportunities to help you out. You might say something like, "I'm dealing with some major creative blocks at work right now. Do you have any advice on finding inspiration again?"

Comfort him in his time of need.

He might get overwhelmed with his responsibilities sometimes. He's looking for someone that can listen to him vent about work and give him a pep talk. Give your Capricorn guy some words of support anytime he needs it and he'll start looking to you anytime he's feeling down (and missing you when you're not around). If he mentions that he's stressed, you might say something like, "Is there anything I can do to help? I'm here if you need anything!" Encourage him if he ever forgets his strengths and talents. Text him, "I know times are tough right now, but you're so talented ????"

Practice patience and take things slow.

A Capricorn man often takes his time to let his guard down. If you've been spending time together and he hasn't made it clear that he misses you, don't fret. Keep making plans and getting to know each other and he'll likely start feeling more comfortable around you. If you're patient with him, he'll let his guard down and start missing you. A Capricorn man might want to be friends first. Be open to cultivating a friendship with him before things get romantic and he'll see you as someone he can really trust. Avoid pressuring him to move faster if he's not ready. Things like ultimatums might make a Capricorn run in the opposite direction.

Give him space.

He's a busy guy, and he might need some alone time to decompress. Respect his schedule and try to keep your calm if he needs some space to himself sometimes. Stay focused on your own life and passions instead of waiting by the phone. You'll feel better about yourself, and your Capricorn man will appreciate the fact that you understand his need for space. If he sees that you're fine without him, he'll likely miss you and reach out in no time. Avoid double-texting him if it's only been a few hours. He might just be busy at work and will get back to you soon enough! If it's been a few days to weeks and he doesn't seem to want to make plans, then he might not be interested. This may sting, but remember that there are tons of people that will like you and enjoy your company.

Be honest and straightforward.

Show him that you share his integrity and strength of character. Try being genuine and truthful in your interactions with him. Let him know what's on your mind directly. If you like him and want him to know, go ahead and tell him. Even if it takes him a little while to reveal his feelings in return, he'll appreciate your direct approach and will miss being around someone so honest and trustworthy. Avoid playing games, like playing hard to get or using other people to make him jealous. A Capricorn will likely see through this and get tired of the games fast.

Remain confident in yourself.

As self-assured people themselves, Capricorns are attracted to confidence. When you're out with your Capricorn man, walk with your head held high and remember all of your strengths. Talk openly about your talents and resist the urge to put yourself down or make yourself small on dates. He'll miss being around someone so bold and sure of themselves. Sometimes being confident can feel like a struggle. If you're ever feeling down, try reminding yourself of all the qualities you like about yourself. You might think something like, "I'm funny, I'm smart, and I have great style!" Being confident is different than being cocky. Remain humble by taking an interest in your Capricorn man's talents and accomplishments, too. Ask him about his latest endeavors and give him time to talk about himself on dates as well.

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