An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Draw a Key
An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Draw a Key
Keys open everything from doors to treasure chests, and being able to draw one can come in handy. Follow the steps below to learn how!

Draw a small oval. This will serve as the head of the key. It should be vaguely bean-like in shape, and sloping in whatever direction you'd like your key to extend.

Draw a long, thin rectangle from the middle of the oval. Your picture should look like a hammer at this point, but with a rounder head.

Draw a rectangle at the end of the rectangle. It can be almost perfectly square-shaped, as shown in the example, or you can make it longer/narrower; the shape of your key is up to you.

This step will be up to your imagination. (For this tutorial, a basic look is used, just a few sections of the rectangle cut out to make the key look real.) Once you've done that, add an oval within the head of the key and two small, thin ovals on along the length of the key

Ink in the drawing. Erase the sketch lines. Add any extra details you like, such as more designs on the skinny part of the key or a different shape to the end.

Color in your drawing. Use grey/yellow (like in the example) or bronze/silver/gold for an eye-catching look.

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