How to Care for an Elderly Guinea Pig
How to Care for an Elderly Guinea Pig
Guinea pigs, also known as cavies, can live between 5-8 years. Living past the age of 5 qualifies the guinea pig as a “senior citizen” who doesn’t behave as vibrantly or bounce back from illness as quickly as he or she once did. Therefore, it’s important to pay close attention to your guinea pig’s well-being by establishing a routine and discovering health problems early on. By doing so, you can help your guinea pig live a long and healthy life.

Taking Care of Your Guinea Pig's Body

Take your guinea pig to the vet often. Regular veterinarian visits are required, even for aging cavies. Many people avoid bringing their aging guinea pig to the vet because they assume health issues can’t be fixed. Schedule regular vet visits to help your guinea pig live a strong, healthy life and help them during this time when they need you the most. Search for an exotic vet or one that specializes in guinea pig care. Also, find a vet that has 24-hour care in case of an emergency.

Check your guinea pig's weight regularly. Dramatic changes in weight can be signifiers of a health issue, so be sure to check your guinea pig’s weight regularly. Purchase a home scale and weigh your guinea pig on the same day and time once a week. One ounce fluctuations from day-to-day are normal. Any fluctuation more than 2 ounces and you should go on alert. One-ounce weight fluctuations are fine. Fluctuations of 2 ounces and you should be alert. A change of 3 ounces and you should be extremely alert. Changes of 4 ounces or more and your guinea pig needs a trip to the vet. You should weigh your guinea pig daily anytime a health problem is suspected. Seek veterinary attention if you notice weight fluctuations. Bring any documentation you have of your pet’s weigh-ins.Tip: An average adult boar will weigh anywhere from 900-1200 grams, while an average adult sow will weigh anywhere from 700-900 grams.

Monitor and change your guinea pig’s diet. Your guinea pig's diet and appetite are likely to change slightly as they age. Vegetables that were eaten in seconds may remain at the bottom of the bowl. Try adding a few new fruits and veggies that they may have previously not enjoyed. Also, try adding some new treats to playtime. Overall, avoid drastically changing their diet. Try adding a Vitamin C supplement to their diet. This can help your guinea pig fight off illnesses as they age. Speak with your veterinarian about adding this to your cavy’s diet. If your guinea pig is eating less in a single sitting, try breaking down larger meals into smaller, more frequent sittings.

Keep an eye on your guinea pig's water intake. Keep your senior’s water fresh by replacing it once a day. Monitor how much water they intake daily, as drinking more or less water than usual can be a sign of a medical issue. Examine and replace water bottles that are old, broken, rusted, or difficult to use. Most cavies need about 100 ml of fresh water daily. However, many drink less than that because they get water from fresh vegetables such as cucumbers. Your cavy’s water intake will differ from others. If your guinea pig’s water intake increases drastically, take them to the vet for a check-up. This could be a sign of diabetes. Avoid using distilled water and avoid adding salt and sugar to water.

Clean your guinea pig. Normal guinea pigs should be given a bath no more than once every 3-4 months. However, as cavies age or become frail, they can find bath time stressful, which can lead to panic and even a heart attack. Instead of baths, wipe your guinea pig clean with vet-approved wipes or a warm, damp cloth. Try distracting your guinea pig by giving them some fresh vegetables. Then, begin to slowly sponge warm water over them. You can also use shampoo and conditioner, gently massaging it into the coat and then rinse it off with warm water. While bathing your guinea pig, you can also take note of anything out of the ordinary such as lumps, thinning fur, urine stains, bald patches on their feet, dry nose, or lip sores. When done, wrap your pet in a towel and pat them dry. Avoid using hairdryers and heating pads. Make sure your cavy is dry and comfortable before returning them to the cage. Many guinea pigs enjoy the massage and attention received during the drying process, so don’t be surprised if they purr or vibrate their entire body.

Ensuring Your Guinea Pig's Home is Comfortable

Make your guinea pig's food and water more accessible. As cavies age, they tend to have difficulty getting around. Move their hay, food, and water to a place in their cage that is easily accessible to them. Snacks should not be kept on levels where they are required to jump, and hay should be kept in a bin on the floor versus hanging in a basket.

Reconsider the cage setup. As guinea pigs age, they become less flexible, their legs become fragile, and their hips become delicate. Find toys, homes, and bedding that is more compatible with their changing needs. Reduce to a one-story cage to minimise climbing and jumping, and remove hammocks and hanging tunnels where they can become tangled. Consider making the floor easier for stepping by creating a flat surface of fleece. Limit bedding such as shavings to a litter pan or the eating area.

Clean the cage at least once a week. Guinea pigs are naturally clean and tidy creatures, so they can become frustrated when their surroundings are dirty. Place your guinea pig in a secure, temporary environment, then clean the cage using warm water and biodegradable soap. When thoroughly clean, rinse with water and pat completely dry. You may need to clean the cage more often as your guinea pig ages, or if there are multiple guinea pigs in the home. You can also use 1 part white vinegar to 3 parts water instead of soap. Besides deep cleaning, be sure to keep up with daily cleaning, such as removing urine and stool, making sure the bedding is as clean as possible, and cleaning food and water dishes daily.

Keep the cage layout consistent. After each cleaning, return furniture and toys to the same location as before. As guinea pigs age, their eyesight begins to fail. Cavies with failing eyesight can make out shapes and outlines by keeping the layout consistent and avoiding busy patterns.

Consider a companion for lonely guinea pigs. When senior guinea pigs lose a companion, they may suffer from loneliness. Changes in behavior include withdrawal, silence, changes in eating habits, and biting. Consider consulting your local shelter to find your guinea pig a new friend. If a new guinea pig is not an option, opt for a stuffed toy buddy with which they can snuggle. Make the toy available at all times.

Looking For Medical Issues

Look for signs of dental problems. Common dental problems during the golden years include ingrown teeth, brittle or loose teeth, or crooked teeth. These issues can be helped by visiting a vet to have the teeth properly ground down. You can also help by chopping fruits and vegetables into smaller, bite-sized pieces. This does not always remedy dental issues, but it can help. If teeth are ground down improperly, it can trap the guinea pig’s tongue and lead to painful complications while eating. Defer all dental questions to your cavy's vet. Guinea pig’s teeth grow throughout their entire life, so if they fall out, they are likely to grow back. Just monitor their growth to ensure they are growing in properly.

Check for failing eyesight. Guinea pigs naturally have poor eyesight, but as they age, they are more likely to develop cataracts. Vision will slowly deteriorate but guinea pigs will acclimate to the change and still live happily. If you notice changes in vision, immediately take your guinea pig to the vet to determine whether it is a treatable condition or cataracts, which is untreatable and will eventually lead to blindness. Look for milky appearance of the eye, red, sore or swelling eyes, crustiness, or excess tear production. Check with your vet for conditions such as foreign debris or in-turned eyelashes which can be treated with antibiotics. There’s no real prevention for eye problems. However, you can learn how to cope with them to make your guinea pig more comfortable and less stressed.

Listen for labored breathing. A guinea pig’s breathing should be quiet and not labored. If you hear a clicking sound or note any changes in breathing patterns, this could be a sign of a respiratory problem. Avoid cold and damp cages, draughts, and unchanged bedding. Respiratory issues require an immediate trip to the vet. Veterinarians can prescribe droppers of antibiotics to assist in clearing the infection.

Look for signs of arthritis. As your cavy ages, they will likely experience inflammation and stiffness in their joints. Look for limited mobility, limited range of motion in the hind legs, limping, or hopping. If you see any of these symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian and consider prescriptions to ease your cavy’s pain or discomfort. Additional symptoms include a soiled bottom due to the cavy’s inability to clean itself, or squealing or squeaking to express discomfort.

Inspect your guinea pig's skin for abnormalities. As cavies age, they are more prone to skin conditions, such as dry, flaky skin, sores, bald patches, and abnormal swelling. Contact your vet if you notice skin abnormalities or notice that your cavy is sensitive to the touch in certain areas. This could be a sign of mites and requires professional medical treatment, as opposed to treatment through products sold at pet shops. Mites burrow under the skin and can cause pain and discomfort to your pet. Not only that, but they can cause dehydration and death due to the numerous amounts of sores they cause.

Know when to let go. When your guinea pig is no longer able to enjoy life, you need to discuss euthanasia with your vet. While it is a difficult decision, consider whether life for your pet is intolerable. Try following the “Rule of 5 Good Things”. Make a list of the top 5 things your pet enjoys. His or her quality of life has been greatly impacted when he or she is no longer able to enjoy 3 out of the 5. Keeping a pet hospice journal can help you determine his or her quality of life over a longer period. This can also help you to determine how many good days and bad days your pet typically has.

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