Binary is the language of computers. This wikiHow will show you how to decode binary numbers into alphabetical or numerical characters.
Remember that in binary 1 is "on: and 0 is "off."
Choose the binary number that you want to decode.
Give each number a value, starting from the extreme right. For example, using the number 1001001, 1=1, +0=2, +0=4, +1=8, +0=16, +0=32, +1=64. The number becomes: 32+16+8+4+2+1.
Cut off all values that are of 0 and add values of 1. 0 values = 2,4,16,32 --> 1 values = 1+8+64=73
Change the answer from its numerical form of the character to its alphabetical form by using an alphabet-number-punctuation chart.
Divide each of your numbers into groups of 8, and then convert them to numerical form. For example, 111111110000000011111111=11111111+00000000+11111111
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