How to Feed a Sick Dog
How to Feed a Sick Dog
Sometimes when a dog is sick, she refuses to eat. No matter what you do, the dog just turns her nose up at what you offer. However, there are things you can do to encourage your dog to eat.

Trying Different Food

Change the dog's diet. If your dog isn't interested in her usual food, try giving her something new and special. This might encourage her to eat. Just make sure to think about the underlying illness when choosing foods. Try giving your dog: Canned pet food Carrot sticks Boiled chicken, hamburger meat, tuna, sandwich meat, or other mild meats Meat-flavored or other flavored baby food Peanut butter Pet snacks or treats Small amounts of cat food Rice Vegetables, like mashed pumpkin or sweet potato No-salt added chicken broth Cream of wheat (a.k.a. farina) or oatmeal

Try bland food. If your dog has diarrhea, nausea, or is vomiting, you need to feed her bland foods. Rich or fatty foods won't be good for a dog with these symptoms. Instead, feed her vegetables, cream of wheat or oatmeal, boiled chicken, or no-salt-added chicken broth. Be aware that hamburger meat can be too greasy if your dog has stomach issues. Don't feed her greasy foods if she's dealing with these symptoms.

Keep the portion size small. When a dog refuses to eat, getting nutrients into her is important. Try feeding her smaller amounts, just one or two spoonfuls to start. Little and often is ideal, so offering a spoonful (depending on the size of the dog) every hour, rather than one big meal a day, can do the trick.

Let the dog eat grass. Eating grass is an instinct for dogs when they're feeling sick. The grass may stimulate her to be sick. This is nature's way of cleansing the system and purging it of toxins. If your dog vomits more than a couple times, or eats grass and vomits every time she goes outside, call the vet.

Choose foods that have an odor. Sometimes, a dog doesn't want to eat because she is old, has aches and pains, or can't smell the food. Scent plays a big part in encouraging a dog to eat, so offer something that is naturally smelly, such as fish. You can also try warming the food up slightly so that it gives off an odor.

Give your dog wet food. Sometimes, dry kibble is not appetising to a sick dog. Dry food can cause pain, irritate the dog's throat, or hurt the teeth and gums. Switch to a moist food while your dog is sick. Wet food can be easier for her to digest. You can also mix in broth, beef bouillon, tomato soup, or tomato juice with the dry kibble to make it moist and easier to eat and digest. EXPERT TIP Colleen Demling-Riley, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC Colleen Demling-Riley, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC Canine Behavior Consultant Colleen Demling-Riley (CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC) is a Canine Behavior Consultant and the Founder of Pawtopia Dog Training. With more than 20 years of experience, she specializes in creating and customizing dog management programs for dog owners. She is a Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Behavior Consultant Canine-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, and American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. Colleen is a member of the International Association of Canine Professionals and has been a featured expert in national media including the New York Times, Woman’s Day, Readers Digest, Cosmopolitan, and Colleen Demling-Riley, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC Colleen Demling-Riley, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC Canine Behavior Consultant If your dog is in pain, stay calm. Dogs are sensitive to their owner's emotions. If your dog is in pain and you start getting nervous or panicky, your dog will sense your distress and feel more pain and stress. Whatever the situation, approach it calmly to help your dog feel reassured.

Talk to your vet about a special diet. If your dog is only taking in small amounts of food, speak to your vet about special prescription diets that are energy dense. These foods are packed with nutrition for the dog and often contain four times the calories of an equivalent sized can of food. However, they may not be suitable for all dogs, depending on the nature of the dog's underlying problem.

Using Different Techniques

Do not force the dog to eat. It's important that you don't force your dog to eat. The dog could feel nauseous and might vomit if she eats. Instead, let the dog do what she feels is natural. A dog not eating for up to 24 hours is no cause for concern. Even 48 hours without eating is okay if she is drinking water.

Try feeding in a new room. Feed your dog in a room she doesn't normally eat in. The break with routine, curiosity factor, and the fact that she has no previous associations with nausea in the room can help kick start her appetite.

Introduce food slowly. If you are changing your dog's food, it could make her sick. Instead of making a sudden switch, phase in the new food as you phase out the old over a week. Watch your dog carefully to make sure the new food is agreeing with her and not making her sick.

Hand feed your dog. Sit beside your dog, dip your fingers into the canned food, and then offer them up to her mouth. This often does the trick. Try dabbing a bit of the food on the dog's nose or lip, so that she licks it off to clean herself and gets a taste of the food in her mouth. Sometimes tasting the food helps the dog to realize she is hungry and makes her want to try the food.

Give your dog praise while eating. Praising your dog while she eats may encourage her to start eating again. If she licks food from your hand, eats a bite from a spoon or bowl, or ingests anything else, give her lots of praise so that her good behavior is rewarded. You can also scratch your dog's head or neck while feeding her. However, only reserve this for genuinely sick dogs, or you may accidentally train your dog only to eat when hand fed.

Be patient and gentle with your dog. The most important thing is to be patient while your dog refuses to eat. It is frustrating when she refuses food, but venting your feelings will do nothing to help the dog's appetite. Don't take your frustrations out on your dog.

See the vet. If none of these tips work, take the dog to the vet. If your dog hasn't eaten in 24 to 48 hours, take her to the vet. Also, take her to the vet if she has been vomiting a lot or has persistent diarrhea. You should also take your dog to the vet if notice any blood in their stool.

Preventing Dehydration

Check for dehydration. When a dog isn't eating, oftentimes she isn't drinking either. Dehydration is a major concern and can cause serious problems. Keep an eye on your dog to make sure she doesn't become dehydrated. To do this, check her gums. They should be pink, wet, and slick, not dry. You can also press a finger to your dog's gums until they change color. When you remove your finger, the color should return immediately. If it takes a few moments, the dog may be dehydrated. Dogs who are vomiting or who have diarrhea are at a high risk for dehydration. Make sure that your dog always has access to clean water.

Do not force your dog to drink. Never try to force water down your dog's throat. Forcing water down her throat can cause more problems if she doesn't swallow. Instead, try techniques to encourage her to drink on her own.

Feed your dog broth. If your dog has been vomiting, solid food probably will make her sicker. Give her salt-free broth or beef bouillon three to four times a day. This will help keep her hydrated while giving her needed nutrients. Homemade broth is better than canned broth.

Give your dog Pedialyte. Unflavored Pedialyte, which is a drink for children containing electrolytes, can help your dog if she has not been eating or drinking. The Pedialyte can help replace much needed electrolytes.

Let your dog lick water from something. Sometimes, you can get your dog to lick a wet surface so she can get some water. See if your dog will lick water from your hand or fingers. You can also try to see if your dog will lick an ice cube.

Add ice to the dog's water. Sometimes, adding an ice cube to your dog's water can help. She might be more willing to drink it with the ice cube inside, which makes the water cooler. Some pets like to drink running water instead of still water, so also try a drinking fountain to encourage your dog to drink.

Take the dog to the vet. Dehydration can cause serious problems. If your dog refuses to drink anything, take her to the vet. The vet can give her fluids through an IV and find out if there is an underlying condition.

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