How to Learn Pole Dancing
How to Learn Pole Dancing
Pole dancing is a fun workout that can make you feel fit and sexy at the same time. Whether you’re wearing stacked heels or more traditional workout gear, pole dancing can help you build muscle while improving your overall confidence. Just make sure you only practice on a pole that’s been professionally installed so you don’t get injured!

Setting Up to Pole Dance

Choose a location. More and more gyms are offering pole dancing classes as a creative way to get fit. Call yours to see if they offer one. You can also find out if fitness center chains that are known to offer pole dancing classes are in your area. Many independent teachers offer pole dancing classes in local gyms and dance studios too, so it's worth checking to see if anyone offers lessons near you. If you can't find anyone to teach you this challenging activity, then you can even buy a pole to install at home.

Pole dance from home. If you want to pole dance in the comforts of your own home, then get a free-standing pole that you can install in your home after carefully following the instructions. The pole should be completely fitted to your ceiling and floor and should be secured in a place that gives you lots of space to move around. Test the security of the pole before use.

Wear clothing that exposes your skin and arms. As you prepare to pole dance, wear comfortable clothes that expose your arms and legs. Baring your skin will allow you to get a much better grip on the pole with your arms and legs so that you can perform these moves safely. You can wear heels if you're comfortable with the pole and want to feel sexy. If you’re new to pole dancing, wear sneakers to get a good grip on the pole. For even better foot grips, try going barefoot.

Avoid body oil or lotion when pole dancing. Avoid putting any oils or lotions on your body before you begin to pole dance. This will make you slide from the pole and can even be dangerous. Wipe down the pole before you use it to get rid of any oils or grease that may have accumulated from a previous session.

Stretch before you begin the class or exercise. Just as you would before any other form of exercise, you should do some light stretching to warm before you begin to pole dance. Stand straight and then bend down to touch your toes, roll your neck and shoulders, and stretch your hamstrings by pulling one foot back with your toes touching your butt until you feel a nice stretch on each hamstring. Pull back your fingers with your palms facing away from you to stretch your wrists. Your fingers and wrists will need to be warmed up to grip the pole.

Doing the Wrap-Around Move

Grab the pole with your dominant hand. Start by standing slightly behind the pole on the side of your dominant hand. Position your inside foot close to the base of the pole. Use your dominant hand to grab the pole at about head height. Allow your arm to straighten so that your weight is hanging away from the pole. Keep your other hand down during this time.

Swing all the way around the pole. Keep your outside leg straight. Swing it out to the side and step all the way around the pole, pivoting on your inside foot at the same time. Allow your knee to bend slightly as you turn to make the movement more graceful.

Hook the pole with your leg. Place your outside foot down just behind the other foot. Transfer your weight to the back foot, and hook your inside leg around the front of the pole. Make sure to get a good grip right behind the knee.

Arch your body backwards. To finish off, arch your body backwards, lowering your hand to allow for a deeper arch. This is where flexibility comes in. Arch your back only as far as you feel comfortable and make sure that you have a good grip with your leg and your hand.

Straighten up. Straighten your body and take your leg down from the pole. Prepare to do the next move or finish up your exercise routine. The basic wrap-around move is a perfect move for beginners of pole dancing and is a great transition to more complicated moves.

Doing a Basic Climb

Face the pole. Stand about a foot away from the pole while facing it. Hold onto the pole with your dominant hand.

Wrap your leg around the pole. Bring up the leg on the same side of your body as the hand that is holding the pole. Then, bring your leg up to the pole as you wrap your other hand around it. Flex your foot and place it on one side of the pole, with your knee on the other side. You'll need to use this leg to really anchor yourself to the pole, and create a sturdy base for your other foot to land on.

Wrap your other leg around the pole. Now, pull your body up with your hands. Swing your free leg around, and hook the back of the foot behind the first foot. Place the knee of the leg on the pole, so you have a firm grip on the pole with both of your knees. Your legs will now create a platform for you to use as you climb the pole.

Move your hands and knees 1 foot (30 cm) up the pole. Move your hands about 1 foot (0.3 m) up the pole to give yourself room to straighten out. Then, pull your knees up. Use your abdominal muscles to pull up your knees about one to two feet.

Squeeze the pole with your legs. After you bend your knees, lean back a bit and then squeeze the pole with your leg muscles. Use your leg strength to straighten your body as your hands move up the pole.

Repeat these steps until you're done climbing. Repeat these steps a few more times until you've reached the top of your pole or the end of your comfort level. This move will help you climb the pole while getting a great workout. Plus, you will look sexy in the process.

Slide down the pole. You can slide down using the basic fireman slide, which means just holding onto the pole with your arms and legs as you slide. Or, you can hold on to the pole with your hands and release your legs just for a moment. Bring them out in front of you and rock your hips as you move your legs down to the ground. This method will take a bit longer to master but it will look and feel fantastic.

Doing the Fireman Spin

Grab the pole with both hands. Stand next to the pole so that it's closer to your weaker side. Then, place both of your hands on the pole so you're gripping it like a baseball bat, with your hands a bit more than 1 foot (30 cm) apart. Put the hand closest to the pole on top, and the outside hand on the bottom. Your lower hand should be at about chest level.

Swing around the pole. Take 1 step with the foot closer to the pole. Then, swing the leg on the outside around the pole to get your momentum going. This will give you enough speed and power to comfortably swing around the pole.

Spring up on the pole. Pull up on the pole with your hands so that your arms are supporting the entire weight of your body for a second. As you do this, jump off on your inside foot and grab onto the pole with both of your knees. Make sure you have a firm grip on the pole so you don't slide off.

Spin around the pole. Continue holding onto the pole with your hands and knees and begin to lean away from the pole. Stay leaned away as you spin around the pole. Allow the force of springing up onto the pole to allow you to keep on spinning.

Stand tall as you land the spin. Spin down the pole until you land on both feet. The higher your arms are positioned on the pole originally, the longer you'll spin before you reach the ground. Once you've landed, move your hips back and get back into a standing position. You have completed this exercise.

How to learn pole dancing at home?

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