How to Recognize Pica
How to Recognize Pica
Pica is an eating disorder that causes people to compulsively eat items not designated for eating. A person with pica might eat relatively harmless items such as ice cubes or may potentially eat dangerous things like dried paint flakes that can result in poisoning. An underlying cause of pica can be a nutritional deficiency or developmental disability, which makes people crave nonfood things. Pica can develop in any person, but it is most common in children, pregnant people, and individuals with intellectual disabilities. It can also develop as a coping mechanism. Although pica is usually temporary, it can have potentially serious consequences.[1]
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You can recognize pica by identifying physical symptoms and observing emotional signs.

Physical Symptoms

Watch eating patterns. A person with pica usually maintains a regular diet of food along with eating non-food items. Pica is present when a person eats non-food items consistently for at least a month. If you suspect that you or another person has pica, keep a mental note or journal of eating habits. This can help identify patterns in consumption that may indicate pica. Some common items a person with pica eats include: Ice Chalk Soap or laundry starch Clay, dirt, or sand Hair Cigarette butts or ashes and/or burnt matches Paint, glue, plaster or chalk Feces Talcum powder, cornstarch, or baking soda Toothpaste Mothballs Stones Coffee grounds

Look for physical manifestations of pica. People who have pica eat items that are not appropriate for their age or cultural practices. Eating these non nutritive things can have various symptomatic manifestations from mild to severe. Manifestations may include: Constipation or intestinal obstruction Diarrhea Intestinal hemorrhage Severe tooth abrasion Tooth loss Choking

Consider prior medical conditions. If you suspect you may have pica, think about prior visits to your doctor or medical conditions you’ve had. A person with pica may be more susceptible to certain conditions than others who don’t consume non-nutritive food items. You may have pica if you eat non-food items and have had one of the following health issues: Lead poisoning or complications thereof Infections from parasites from animals, especially dogs and cats Round worm infections Intestinal ulcerations or perforations Iron or zinc deficiency syndromes GI-tract complications

Check feces for nonfood items. Many small children eat non-food items. If you suspect your child or another person for whom you care has pica, consider checking diapers or in the toilet. You may be able to discern non-food items such as glass, stones, hair, matches, or coffee grounds. Recognize that it may be difficult to difficult to find objects that dissolve in the stomach such as ice, ashes, or soap.

Behavioral Signs

Detect red flags for pica. Like other eating disorders, pica can present with not only physical symptoms, but also behavioral or emotional ones. You may notice certain behaviors that can indicate pica, especially when they’re in conjunction with physical symptoms. These include: Skipping meals Making excuses for not eating Withdrawing from normal social activities Leaving during meals to use the bathroom Expressing disgust, shame, or guilt about eating habits Eating in secret

Acknowledge negative feelings. Individuals with eating disorders often have negative feelings associated with their condition. Acknowledging that you or another person have these types of feelings can help you recognize pica. Negative feelings individuals with pica may have include: Confusion Anger Resentment Protective of your habit Fear Anxiety Depression

Put the behavior in context. In some cultures, pica may be a part of everyday life. For example, certain religions and ethnic groups eat clay as a way to treat intestinal issues. However, if eating nonfood items is not a part of your culture or is an inappropriate for the person’s age or developmental stage, it may indicate pica. Be aware that pica is common in individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism, other developmental disabilities, or differences in the brain. If a person with any of these conditions is showing signs of pica, talk to them about what they’ve been eating. You may get the answer simply by asking. Seek medical attention to help you deal with potential pica in a person with developmental disabilities.

Understanding Pica

Be aware of risk factors. Pica can affect persons of any age and gender. However, some people may be more susceptible to it. Recognizing your risk factors may help minimize your risk of developing pica. Risk factors include: Trichotillomania, or hair pulling disorder Excoriation, or skin picking disorder Nutritional deficiencies Dieting Parental neglect such as food deprivation or lack of supervision Mental health conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia Intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism Pregnancy

Recognize complications of pica. Many people with pica may eat seemingly harmless substances such as ice. But in other cases, eating non-food items constantly can result in severe medical conditions and even death. Some of the complications of pica include: Depression and anxiety Problems with growth and development Social and relationship problems Substance use disorders Problems at work or school Lead poisoning Parasitic infections Tooth and mouth injuries Complications from lead poisoning Intestinal poisoning Intestinal blockages and/or perforation

Seek medical attention. If your child consumed a harmful substance, seek medical care immediately. If you or another person are at risk for pica and suspect or recognize that you have the disorder, it’s important to see your doctor as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider can check for anemia or other nutritional deficiencies as well as screen for lead poisoning and parasites. Children 2 years old or younger who live in locations where at least one third of the houses were built before 1950 are especially vulnerable and therefore should be screened for lead. Getting medical treatment for pica can help prevent serious further medical conditions. Be aware that an eating disorder like pica can be difficult to manage on your own. Medical attention is the best way to get your pica under control. Tell your doctor about your problem honestly, even if it is embarrassing. This can help your doctor develop an accurate diagnosis and treatment program for you. Remember, a doctor is not there to judge, but help you. Recognize that your doctor may suggest treatment that includes therapies to remove toxic substances from your body or correct nutritional deficiencies. Your doctor may also suggest meeting with a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or dentist to treat underlying causes.

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