How to Stop a Cat from Biting and Scratching
How to Stop a Cat from Biting and Scratching
The majority of cats are relaxed and peaceful creatures by nature. They don't want to bite or scratch and will usually go to great lengths to avoid a situation where this is necessary. However, there are times when a pet cat does strike out and injure its owner. Apart from being painful, a cat bite or scratch can introduce infection and is best avoided. It's useful to learn how to prevent biting and scratching, as well as how to react when this happens.[1]
Research source
The Cat's Mind. Bruce Fogle. Publisher: Pelham Books.

Reacting to Bites and Scratches

React calmly. Never hit, shout, chase, or lose your temper with a cat. You will startle the cat and cause them to become nervous and confused. Never call a cat to you and then punish them. The cat doesn't understand why you're responding negatively to them. In fact, the cat probably expects a pleasant response if you call them.

Remove yourself from the situation. The first thing to do is stop touching the cat and then hold your hands well out of striking range. If they don't calm down within a few seconds, stand up slowly so you can remove them from your lap. Walk away and do not return until they have calmed down. Avoid soothing your cat after biting or scratching. Instead, signal your displeasure to the cat. After you've disciplined them, do not begin cuddling and petting them. This will confuse your cat and give them mixed signals. They may even begin biting you in order to get a cuddle.

Give the cat a way out. If you are trying to get from one room to another and a hissing, snarling cat blocks the way, look at the situation from their viewpoint. The cat believes they are trapped and you are walking towards them, which they perceive as a threat. They want to run but there is no escape route so they must defend themself by attacking. The simple solution is to step aside, let the cat pass, and then go about your way. Don't feed your cat for 20 minutes following a biting or scratching incident, as this might be wrongly taken as a reward.

Understand what encourages a cat to change their behavior. Cats respond best to positive reinforcement, namely praising and rewarding appropriate behavior, while ignoring and withdrawing from inappropriate behavior. Hand the cat a catnip mouse to bite instead of you. Then, praise the cat for biting the toy.

Try the voice and body method. As soon as the cat bites or scratches, say "NO!" in an authoritative tone. Stare at the cat directly with an unimpressed or fierce look. Stares are regarded in the cat world as a threat of dominance. It also helps to remove yourself from the cat's vicinity after doing this, or to ignore them for about 10 minutes. Try not to point or wag your finger at the cat, as that might invite more biting.

Try the hand clapping method. When your cat bites or scratches, clap your hands and say "NO!" firmly. Remember, don't shout at your cat or clap directly in their face. It can scare them and leave them nervous. Repeat this whenever biting or scratching occurs. Your cat should learn to stop. This method works with a dominant, aggressive or cheeky cat. It's not recommended for use with a timid or nervous cat, since it can reinforce these traits.

Try to ignore the cat. The moment your cat stops biting or scratching you, stand up and walk away in a dismissive fashion without any further interaction. Make sure that the cat is all alone in the room with no human interaction for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat this each time they try to bite or scratch you. They will quickly associate the bad behavior with being ignored. This method won't work with all cats, but it works well with very affectionate cats, since they'll miss the attention, and with kittens, because they're still learning manners.

Preventing Biting and Scratching

Teach your kitten acceptable limits when it comes to playing. Learn to play act. When they nip you while playing, squeal and pull your hand away. Then, stand up and walk away, signalling that the game is over. If you do this consistently, the young kitten will soon learn that biting ends the game and will avoid doing so. If your cat is giving you love bites and you want to discourage this, press back gently against the bite. Pressing back makes it uncomfortable for the cat, so they will stop biting down. Pulling away fast from a play bite or grab is when you're most likely to get clawed from playing rough. You can also invite your kitty to play with another kitten. When kittens wrestle, one of them will make a noise to scold the other cat when they bite too hard. This can be a good learning experience for your kitten.

Give your cat toys to play with instead of using your hands or fingers. A cat in middle of playing often forgets to be gentle and you may get a painful scratch or the cat will continue to play later, scratching you unexpectedly. To prevent this, provide toys that are clearly not part of you, such as fishing toys on strings, a laser-light pointer, or a catnip mouse. In general, remember that toys are for playing and hands are for petting. Cats need to bite, chew and scratch for fun and practice, just not on you or any other human. Try playing with the cat using a fishing pole toy, so your hands will be free of bites. When you encourage a kitten to play with your hands, that cat will grow up to be a biter because they don't know any different.

Let your cat have plenty of play time. Build regular play sessions of 5 to 10 minutes into your day. Get the cat moving after a fishing toy and continue playing until the cat is worn out. The idea is to mentally stimulate your cat with chasing behavior and physically wear them out. A tired cat is much less likely to attack than a bored cat with excess misdirected energy.

Consider neutering your cat. Cats that are not neutered are more territorial than their neutered counterparts. While being entire (or not neutered) doesn't automatically mean a cat is aggressive, neutering does have a calming effect and tends to make the cat more sociable and home-loving.

Learn to recognize pre-strike signs of aggression. Watch for clues like dilated pupils, skin rippling, or ceasing to purr. The cat may vocalise and give a low, throaty growl, or a quiet, ululating whine, or hiss. They might tip their ears back and flatten them against their head. Their whiskers may bristle forward and they may draw back the corners of their mouth and open it slightly (often while hissing). A cat that is playing will also have large round pupils because they are excited. Take this into account when considering the cat's other body language - so a cat on your lap should not be excited and not have large pupils. If the cat is cornered, they may often crouch and look anxiously from side to side, as if seeking an escape route (which is what they are doing).

Understanding Why Cats Bite and Scratch

Determine if your cat was hand-reared, or orphaned and raised by humans. Hand-reared kittens missed the roughhousing associated with litter life and did not necessarily learn how to moderate their play attacks. These cats often grow into adults who seem to lash out viciously for no reason. Hand-reared cats that are aggressive usually give subtle signs for humans to back off. Learning these cues can prevent biting and scratching.

Figure out if your cat is stressed or anxious. A cat that is stressed and has no escape route is likely to lash out. Stress can come from being cornered by a noisy toddler, a change in environment, or new people, so it is important to be aware of your cat's emotional needs and reactions. Avoid labeling the cat as aggressive; they may simply be responding to stress. The best response is to restore a calm and settled atmosphere. Turn down noisy TVs, ask children to be quieter around the cat, and if anyone is upset, ask them to cry or shout away from the cat's hearing.

Decide if the cat is simply being overly playful. If you encourage the cat to attack moving hands, feet, or fingers when playing, don't be surprised if they later attack a foot, even though the game is over. The cat may assume it's still play time.

Check to see if your cat is sick or in pain. A cat that is in pain or is ill can become defensive, making them more likely to attack. Cats showing signs of sickness (weight loss, thirst, vomiting) or pain (short temper, yowling, scratching, biting) should be checked out by a vet. It could be their bad behavior will improve once the underlying health issue is corrected. An older frailer cat that may resent being picked up or cuddled, and they might bite or scratch to get some peace. Ask family members to be mindful of the cat's age and need for gentler handling. Giving the cat plenty of space should help any behavioral issues.

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