What Does it Mean When You Throw Up in Your Dreams?
What Does it Mean When You Throw Up in Your Dreams?
Dreams about throwing up are never pleasant, and often they may indicate some sort of mental stress or roadblock. The first step to overcoming that roadblock is analyzing your dreams in order to make a plan to remedy them, and we’ll help you do just that. We’re here to fill you in on 7 common interpretations of vomit dreams, as well as interpretations of more specific dream scenarios, so you can work through your troubles and find some peace of mind.
Things You Should Know
  • Dreams about throwing up may often point to feelings of humiliation, shame, or low self-esteem in your waking life.
  • Dreams of vomiting may also suggest you have a vice you need to overcome, or a negative relationship with a friend or partner you need to reconsider.
  • Dreams about vomiting may also be good omens of success, or a sign that certain troubles in your life may soon resolve.

Throwing Up in a Dream Meanings

You feel humiliated about something. Often, our dreams are our unconscious mind’s way of telling us things that our conscious mind doesn’t want to acknowledge. Vomiting isn’t the most dignified activity, so if you have recurring dreams of throwing up, it could be your brain’s way of processing some sort of humiliation in your waking life, like a social interaction gone wrong or a certain shortcoming you feel ashamed of. What to do: Let go of your shame by accepting your mistake. Know that nobody is perfect, and distract yourself from your embarrassment by doing something you love, like reading or talking to friends. In the Bible, vomit is used to symbolize sin or filthiness. These dreams may also indicate that you’re ashamed of a certain wrongdoing.

You feel self-loathing. Throwing up tends to be a bit of a low point, no matter why we’re doing it. That low point might be manifesting in your dreams as a symptom of your own low esteem, or even self-loathing. You may have opinions of yourself that are less than kind, but that negative perspective is clouding your subconscious, and your brain and body are telling you to be easier on yourself. What to do: Vent some of that frustration and boost your self esteem by going on a walk or a run. Physical activity helps to stop those negative thoughts in their tracks, and releases endorphins that elevate your mood.

You’re physically exhausted or ill. Vomiting is a clear sign of sickness, and throwing up in your dreams could be your body’s very literal way of telling you that something is physically wrong. But even if you don’t have an illness, it may also mean that you’ve been pushing your body too hard lately—staying up late, working too much, or even doing too much physical activity. What to do: If you feel poorly in your waking life—unexplainable pains, aches, or other odd sensations, tell a doctor about your symptoms. If you’re only feeling a little sluggish, though, try adjusting your sleep schedule to get more REM sleep, which may help you feel more rested.

You tend to overindulge. Puking is often a side-effect of eating or drinking too much, and so these dreams could be your mind’s way of saying that maybe you tend to give way to your impulses and desires a bit too much. It could be literal—overeating or overdrinking—or more symbolic. For example, maybe you tend to spend a bit too much on luxuries or allow yourself a little too much down time. Your brain is asking for a little moderation. What to do: Practice moderation by deciding ahead of time how much of something you’ll eat or drink, or how long you’ll let yourself enjoy a certain activity. Having a plan or guideline beforehand helps you know when you’ve gone too far or had enough.

Success is on the way. It may seem counterintuitive, but vomiting in dreams can be a good omen of impending success or luck. In the dream, your body is getting over its illness by throwing up, which represents your own ability to overcome obstacles and find success in your waking life. You’ve been striving to achieve your goals—career success, wealth, good relationships—and this dream is here to tell you that you’re almost there. What to do: Good things are on the way, but stay motivated to work toward your goals by visualizing the results—landing that job, entering that new romance, etc. Be sure to rest and take breaks along the way, though, to keep your energy up! Some Islamic leaders believe that throwing up in your dreams means good fortune, or that you’ll soon be granted a desire.

You’re too inflexible or stubborn. When you eat something your body doesn’t like, it tends to come back up. That’s why throwing up in your dreams may symbolize your own inability to adapt. There’s something new or unexpected in your life, and you’re rejecting it. Maybe you’re resisting new friends, or holding back from a career change, but your mind is telling you it’s time to loosen up. What to do: Open your mind to new experiences by trying them a little at a time. For example, if you’re unsure about a new friend, schedule a short, low-stakes meet-up at a cafe or a bar to get a feel for them. You might be pleasantly surprised.

You have a toxic relationship you need to reconsider. Vomiting is your body’s way of purging harmful or unneeded substances. When you vomit in a dream, especially one involving other people in your life, it may be your mind’s way of telling you that you might need to purge someone in your life. It might be a friend who speaks bad about you or brings you down, or a romantic partner who you’ve outgrown. What to do: Ask yourself if that person—be they a friend, partner, or family member—is helping you be the best you can be. If they’re not, or if they’re actively hurting you, it may be time to consider ending the relationship.

Specific Vomit Dream Scenarios

Throwing up blood Dreams of vomiting blood are alarming, and aren’t ever a pleasant thing to wake up from. In real life, we sometimes throw up blood when we’re injured. In our dreams, that might translate to some mental or psychological injury that our minds are trying to purge. There’s most likely something in your life that’s causing you great distress, like an upcoming responsibility or an argument you may be having with someone you love, and that distress is presenting itself in your dreams. What to do: Reach out to a trusted friend or relative and ask if you can vent your worries to them. Many times, externalizing your fears, doubts, or anxieties by putting them into words helps you gain new perspective, and some advice from a trusted source may help you find a solution.

Throwing up food Vomiting up food in your dreams is a common sign that you may have literally eaten too much the evening before. More spiritually, it may indicate that you’re losing your passion for something, like your job, hobby, or relationship. The food in your dream represents something that’s supposed to nourish you and make you happy, but your body is losing its taste for it and rejecting it. What to do: If you think the dream is appetite-related, eat healthier before bed—avoid sweets, and opt instead for a yummy bit of fruit to satisfy those cravings. If you think the dream may be passion-related, take a break from whatever it is you’re losing your enthusiasm for. Shelf your hobby for a week, or take a solo vacation to clear your mind of relationships. Some time away may help you appreciate the things you love.

A baby throwing up Babies or infants commonly represent your own vulnerability or innocence. That’s why dreams in which an infant is throwing up may indicate that you’re going through a tough change in your life, and your mind and body are having trouble processing it. It could be that you’re moving, entering a new relationship, or are just becoming aware of your own aging. Whatever it is, it’s a new sensation, and you’re having growing pains. What to do: Stay positive about your situation by focusing on the new opportunities. Sure, it may be tough at times, but diving into a new phase of your life is also exciting. Keep your mind on the good parts, like meeting new people or having new experiences, and the bad parts will fall to the wayside.

Throwing up worms or maggots These dreams frequently represent your own repressed frustration or anger. The worms or maggots in your vomit symbolize rot or something festering, which in turn symbolizes the emotions that you’ve let build up inside you but haven’t released. It could be anger at a friend for something they did, a coworker for flubbing a project, or even yourself for making a mistake. What to do: Let go of your anger by venting it in a healthy outlet. Exercise, write your feelings down in a journal, or even channel that energy into your art or hobbies. Anger is a natural emotion, but we need to release it properly in order to move past it.

Vomiting while pregnant These dreams may symbolize your own desire to protect someone in your life, just as a pregnant mother wants to protect her child. You might feel anxiety about a friend who’s making bad decisions, or a family member who’s struggling with illness. This sort of dream is a manifestation of both your love and your worry. What to do: Reach out to the person you're concerned about and offer to help them. If you’re worried about overstepping, even a simple phone call to catch up with them—with or without an offer to help—lets them know that you’re on their team and rooting for them.

Throwing up certain colors The color of your vomit in your dream can alter its meaning. If you’re throwing up yellow or green, it may symbolize a struggle to succeed at something in your waking life, like at work or in your art. If your vomit is brown, it may represent a struggle to get rid of something that troubles you, like a bad habit or an irksome friend. What to do: If you feel like you’re struggling to accomplish your goals, don’t hesitate to ask for help from a friend. Two heads are better than one, and there’s no reason you should have to pursue your dreams alone. Or, change your bad habits by replacing them with good ones. Any time you feel the urge to scroll on your phone, for example, reach for a book instead. If it’s a person that you can’t shake, set some boundaries and tell them when you’re available to talk, and when you’d rather be alone. This helps put some polite distance between you.

Other people throwing up Vomiting is bad enough when we’re doing it ourselves, but seeing others do it is its own kind of unpleasant. When another person is throwing up in your dreams—a friend, acquaintance, family member, coworker, etc.—it may represent your own negative feelings toward them. Your brain may be showing you that image as a manifestation of the ways in which they repulse you or make you uncomfortable. What to do: Change your perspective on the person who bothers you by focusing instead on their positive traits. Aim to identify 5 good things about them. You may find that acknowledging their good sides makes their less-than-good sides more bearable.

Vomiting while you’re drunk Most times, these dreams are simply the result of a little too much partying, and aren’t particularly worrisome. Other times, though, they may be manifestations of a fear of losing control. Just like how alcohol loosens your impulses, your dreams are reflecting your anxieties about being helpless about something in your waking life, like a job assignment or finances. What to do: If you’re drinking too much, cut down on alcohol by ordering non-alcoholic drinks instead, or by choosing activities that don’t involve bars or drinking, like going to the movies or playing board games with friends. If you’re worried about a loss of control, identify the things you can control about your life, like your diet, sleep schedule, and who you spend your time with. Focusing on the things you can control helps to boost your sense of agency, and accept the things you can’t.

Animals vomiting These dreams are dependent on your relationship to the animal. If it’s a pet or a friendly animal, these dreams may symbolize your concern for someone or something in your life that you cherish. That person or thing may be having a hard time, and you want to help. If it’s an unfriendly animal or a predator, it may symbolize that something or someone in your life that troubles you, like an unsavory acquaintance or a stressful situation, will soon resolve itself. What to do: Check in on your loved ones with a quick chat or a phone call. Talking to them may help put your mind at ease. Or, stay patient and calm with your negative acquaintance or situation, and focus on your own activities. The issue will resolve itself in time.

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