Best Matches for ESTJ
ESTJ and ESTJ Compatibility Both of these types are Extraverted, Sensing Thinking and Judging, making them very compatible. Of course, this doesn’t mean that a relationship between them isn’t without conflict, as two ESTJs in love might be too much of a good thing. Straightforward and assertive, ESTJs who are romantically involved might struggle with their respective needs to be right, which they would seriously need to work on. However, their no-nonsense attitudes can lead to open dialogue and excellent conflict resolution, tackling whatever problems they may face head-on.
ESTJ and ENTJ Compatibility Since ENTJ is Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging, ESTJ and ENTJ couples tend to be social and hard-working, lighting up any room that they’re in together. ESTJs have a keen eye for detail, focusing on tangible results, while ENTJs value the larger picture and have very active imaginations. Since they’re both such logical thinkers, resolving conflict should not pose any issues– as long as they can iron out their kinks independently before coming back together.
ESTJ and ESFJ These two personality types have tons in common, beginning with their extroverted dispositions. ESFJ stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. They are both organized, structured, and trustworthy, overlapping when it comes to values and mutual goals. One noteworthy difference is that ESTJs can be reluctant to show their feelings while ESFJs are deeply sensitive, affectionate, and emotionally fragile. Both types are practical, reliable, and highly stable, able to lean on each other no matter what.
ESTJ and ISTJ Compatibility This pairing is the epitome of “opposites attract” as the Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging ISTJ is an interesting choice for the enthusiastic and charismatic ESTJ. ISTJs are suspicious, reserved, and submissive, which ESTJs might find stimulating and complimentary to their dominant demeanor. Neither personality type is known to shy away from conflict, each preferring to lay all their cards out on the table. A true yin and yang pairing, ESTJs and ISTJs can form a wonderful, life-long bond as long as they figure out how to truly bring out the best in one another.
ESTJ and INTP Compatibility A relationship between the extroverted ESTJ Commander and the introverted INTP Thinker could be a match made in heaven. INTP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving, with both types prioritizing logic over emotion, which could make for a strong and lasting connection. Both are reasonable and principled, but ESTJ should respect INTP’s space when processing their emotions, as not everyone is able to make decisions as assertively as them. Steadfast and dependable, INTPs will quickly prove to ESTJs that they can be trusted, which is the key to ESTJ’s heart.
ESTJ and INTJ Compatibility Equal parts similar and different, the Commander and the Architect can forge a one-of-a-kind bond. INTJs are defined as being Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging, which the ambitious ENTJ can appreciate. ENTJs are also drawn to the emotional and intellectual depth of an INTP, which really stimulates them. In turn, INTJs love ENTJ’s ambition, resilience, and conviction, viewing them as a strong ally and potential life partner. Getting either one of them to open up emotionally could pose problems, but the relationship should be a fruitful one otherwise.
ESTJ and ISTP Compatibility When paired with the Detective, the Commander can thrive. Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving, ISTPs enjoy their alone time, which could rub the outgoing ESTJ the wrong way. However, both of these types are pragmatic and open-minded, so explaining their feelings and positions to each other should lead to mutual understanding. As long as ISTPs can come out of their shells once in a while and ESTJs allows their batteries to recharge once in a while, this match could be a forever thing.
Mediocre Matches for ESTJ
ESTJ and ESTP Compatibility ESTJs and ESTPs have enough in common to make it work, but their handful of differences could cause some conflict. ESTJs are known as the Commanders for a good reason, as they are honest, righteous, and sensible. ESTPs lean more wild and free, with a love for spontaneity and adventure. The way they process information is different, with ESTJs taking a comprehensive look at every scenario while ESTPs want to quickly and efficiently fix the issues at hand. Despite their individuality, ESTJs and ESTPs can help balance each other out while sharing the spotlight. They can learn to benefit from each other’s best traits, reaching a place of stability as well as fun.
ESTJ and ISFJ Compatibility ESTJ and ISFJ can form a unique yet strong connection. These personality types are so different, which might be why they feel so drawn to one another. Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging, ISFJs are warm and supportive, taking care of the energetic and determined ESTJ. ISTJs love to dig deep when it comes to conversation and ESTJs may eventually feel comfortable enough to open up, which is necessary in a healthy relationship. Their differing perspectives can offer possibilities for personal growth, potentially leading to a fruitful and lifelong match.
ESTJ and ENTP Compatibility ENTPs are the more easygoing, carefree versions of ESTJs, although they share plenty of other character traits as both as Extraverted and Trusting. Both personality types require intellectual stimulation, social interaction, and love to problem-solve together, resulting in an exciting and dynamic relationship. Both ENTPs and ESTJs need time to process their more difficult emotions as being vulnerable does not come naturally to either of them. If they can learn to appreciate how their small differences can contribute to the overall harmony of the big picture, this could be a strong pairing.
ESTJ and ENFJ Compatibility The Commander, ESTJ, and the Advocate, ENFJ, share the Extraverted quality, as well as being Judging. However, that’s mostly where the similarities end, as ENFJs are more sensitive and nurturing than their realistically-minded ESTJ counterparts. For this reason, ESTJs should try their best to keep their cynicism and criticism at bay around their soft-hearted ENFJ partner. Their main conflict is emotion versus logic, which can post a lifelong struggle if these personality types don’t figure out a solution that feels fair and complete to both of them.
Worst Matches for ESTJ
ESTJ and INFP Compatibility These two personality types could not be more different, which is why they don’t tend to make the most compatible match. INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, which can offer a vastly different point of view from the extroverted and logical Commander. Although some INFPs can certainly be enticed by ENTJ’s dominance and confidence, and ENTJs could similarly benefit from INFPs emotional intelligence, these two personality types are more likely to clash than play well together. The quiet and reserved INFP may be put off by the ENTJs abrasive and aggressive reactions to conflict, leading them to shut down and disconnect.
ESTJ and ISPF Compatibility When it comes to these two, the artistic and whimsical ISPF might be too hard to pin down for the stable and committed ESTJ. Although they might be mutually attracted to each other at first, as the Commander is confident and charming, the spark may fizzle just as quickly. The anchored ESTJ may seem too stiff to and predictable for the untamed ISPF spirit, who is likely to be smothered by their partner’s love of order and discipline. The relationship is not totally doomed if they can figure out a way to compromise, but this is a match that would require a lot of work regardless.
ESTJ and ENFP Compatibility It would take a lot for an ESTJ-ENFP couple to make it work, but it could end up paying off! These personality types can help motivate each other, pushing toward shared goals and ideals. The buttoned-up ESTJ could benefit from letting loose, which ENFP would highly encourage. They’re also both extroverted, so they understand one another’s need for social interaction and can help refill each other’s social batteries. However, their differences in values might be too great, as ESTJs seek stability and routine, while ENFP seeks a partner who is up for anything.
ESTJ and INFJ Compatibility These two personality types struggle with the same things in opposite ways, leading to conflict and misunderstandings. For example, ESTJ has no problem voicing their emotions… which does pose a problem for the sensitive and reserved INFJ. In turn, INFJs feel a lot they may not say, upsetting and frustrating their brutally honest ESTJ partner. Communication between these two is key, as understanding each other is their only hope in forging a fruitful, loving, and healthy relationship.
ESTJ in Love
ESTJ is dominant and passionate in love. The Commander in love takes on a leadership role, providing affection, protection, and resolutions when conflict arises. Although they can come off a bit intense and sometimes controlling, ESTJs always have good intentions in their romantic affairs. They’re loving and committed, showering their partners with attention and devotion. Once in a while, their significant other might need to remind them to stop and smell the flowers, but the steadfast ESTJ has plenty of other amazing qualities to make up for their need for constant speed. Those in a relationship with an ESTJ are likely to feel appreciated and adored.
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