CHENNAI: The Madras High Court has directed the KK Nagar police to register an FIR on a complaint against TV actor D Bhuvanesware,..
CHENNAI: The Madras High Court has directed the KK Nagar police to register an FIR on a complaint against TV actor D Bhuvanesware, hold investigation and if any prima facie case is made out, file the final report before the Judicial Magistrate concerned within six weeks.Justice T Mathivanan gave the direction on Wednesday while disposing of a petition from R Gurunathan of West KK Nagar. In his complaint, Gurunathan, had alleged that Bhuvanesware, had borrowed Rs1.50 crore during August 2010 and January 2011, for producing a serial. When he came to know that she had no idea of producing any serial, he demanded the money back. A complaint was lodged with KK Nagar police, but no action was taken, petitioner alleged.
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