Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said 35 people were killed during the Monsoon rains in the state and the state had to bear a loss of Rs 990 crore as several roads, water and power supply were damaged.
Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh government has requested the Centre for at least Rs 200 crore as financial aid to meet the huge loss caused by the recent floods in the state, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said.
Thakur said this while replying to discussion on recent floods under call attention motion on second day of the Monsoon Session in the state Assembly.
He said 35 people were killed during the Monsoon rains in the state and the state had to bear a loss of Rs 990 crore as several roads, water and power supply were damaged.
The state government had already provided Rs 230 crore to different departments and affected districts against the estimate loss of Rs 990.54 crore.
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