Indian archers to train in S Korea
Indian archers to train in S Korea
The Indians will get an opportunity to learn Korean training methods besides testing their skills against the local archers.

New Delhi: Ace archers Jayanta Talukdar and Rahul Banerjee will undergo a month-long training programme in South Korea under the tutelage of India coach Lim Chae Wong from this weekend.

Both the archers, trainees at the Tata Archery Academy at Jamshedpur, leave for Korea on Friday, a senior sports official of Tata said.

"Both of them will be trained by Lim, who is attached to our academy. After coming back to India on August 14, they will participate in the trials for national ranking at Hyderabad," Satish Pillay of Tata said.

The stint would provide the Indians with an opportunity to learn Korean training methods besides testing their skills against the local archers.

Talukdar in particular would welcome the programme more as it will prepare him in the fight for the World Cup crown.

Talukdar, currently in second spot in the event's ranking list, hit the bull's eye consistently to finish at the top in the Porec leg of the World Cup.

Though his performance dipped a bit at the Antalya leg, he managed to cling onto his top ranking.

However, he could not participate in the third leg at San Salvador due to visa problem and is now ranked second with 38 points behind Ilario di Buo (46) of Italy.

But, Talukdar has another chance to win back his top ranking when he participates in the Shanghai leg of the event in September and qualify for the final of the series in Mexico with the head held high.

Banerjee is also a promising youngster who has done well in the Asian Archery Championship last year and will be a key member of the Indian team during their medal hunt at Doha Asian Games.

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