Inflammatory messages: Kerala-based outfit under scanner
Inflammatory messages: Kerala-based outfit under scanner

Kerala-based Popular Front of India has come under the

scanner of intelligence agencies for its suspected role in spreading

inflammatory SMSs and MMSs following Assam violence, that triggered exodus of

northeastern people from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.Taking note of reports in this regard in local media, state

Home Minister Thiruvanchur Radhakrishnan has asked ADGP (Intelligence) to

cross-check the matter with Central authorities."We have taken note of the reports. The intelligence

head of state police has been asked to cross-check the matter with Central

agencies to find out the facts," Radhakrishnan told PTI.He said so far there had been no reported incident of panic

fleeing by migrant North Easterners from Kerala as had happened in some other

states.Only an isolated case of some unidentified persons

intimidating migrant workers in a hollow-brick unit in Malappuram district had

been reported and cases had been registered against 12 persons, he said.Meanwhile, rejecting reports that it was involved in

creating scare among the labourers from North East states, PFI general

secretary Abdul Hameed said the organisation was ready to face any inquiry."This is not for the first time that PFI is being

targetted. In all earlier cases, PFI has proved the allegations wrong and come

out clean. But, unfortunately, our innocence never used to get published in

media," Hameed told PTI.

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