A 35-year-old man on Sunday allegedly lifted a bag containing gold jewellery worth over Rs 1 lakh from a scanning machine at the Karol Bagh metro station, even as the bag's owner dubbed it as a misunderstanding, police said.
New Delhi: A 35-year-old man on Sunday allegedly lifted a bag containing gold jewellery worth over Rs 1 lakh from a scanning machine at the Karol Bagh metro station, even as the bag's owner dubbed it as a misunderstanding, police said.
Ganesh allegedly lifted the bag from the X-ray machine around 7 PM yesterday at the Karol Bagh metro station and tried to run away with it, a senior police officer said.
He was caught by CISF security personnel who handed him over to police.
The bag belonged to Gulshan, a resident of Azadpur, who said it contained jewellery worth Rs 1.2 lakh. Gulshan and Ganesh were taken to police station.
Ganesh in his statement said it was a misunderstanding.
No case was registered, the officer said.
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