Moral policing: ABVP protests pub culture
Moral policing: ABVP protests pub culture
NCW says pub owners are to be blamed for Sunday's attack on women.

Mangalore: Members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad women's wing protested in Mangalore against pub culture.

It comes after protests by women and student groups against a National Commission for Women (NCW) report which said that the pub owners were to be blamed for Saturday's attack on women customers by the Sri Ram Sene.

The head of the NCW's fact finding commission, Nirmala Venkatesh has blamed the pub-owner and holds them responsible for the attack on girls in the Mangalore pub.

Nirmala said the incident happened because of lack of security at the Mangalore pub and said she would demand the licence of the pub owners be cancelled.

"We have visited the pub and there was no security. They haven't taken any security measures and there wasn't even a security guard there. The National Women Commission is going to recommend that the pub's licence be cancelled," she said.

NCW's report has drawn severe criticism from various women's rights groups. In fact, the team did not meet any of the victims of the attack but instead spent more than an hour with the accused Ram Sene activists.

Following the report, students and women’s groups took to the streets, protesting against the moral policing.

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