New record in maths calculation set
New record in maths calculation set
BANGALORE: An Indian engineer has created a record in mental calculation without the help of instruments.Dr Amit Garg based in Uni..

BANGALORE: An Indian engineer has created a record in mental calculation without the help of instruments.Dr Amit Garg based in United States as a senior operation research analyst, recently broke the world record in mental calculation of division. On 15th March, Dr Amit Garg from India did ten such divisions correctly without writing any intermediate results or using any instruments in record time of 34.5 seconds per division at Annapolis, Maryland, USA. These numbers were randomly selected by a program provided by Ralf Laue, organiser of Mental Calculation World cup and Co- Chairman of Memoriad. Ralf Laue announced that Amit’s world record of 5.45 minutes for 10 divisions has been accepted and beats previous record of 6.07 minutes by Willem Bouman from the Netherlands. Meanwhile, owing to the new achievement, Dr Garg has been invited to represent India in the 5th Mental Calculation World Cup competition in Giessen, Germany as a world record holder in mental division. A jubilant Dr Amit said, “On 7th April, the world record was published in the Book of Alternative Records and my participation was confirmed in the mental calculation world cup 2012, which will be conducted in September.” The international competition invites only 40 participants from the whole world with no individual country limit. Participants will be asked to solve square roots, multiplication, addition and surprise tasks like cube root and fractions

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