A fine of Rs 3000 was also imposed on Ongkar Singh for taking a bribe of Rs 10 from a truck driver in 2000.
Meerut: A special anti-corruption court has sentenced a dismissed homeguard jawan to one-year imprisonment for taking a Rs 10 bribe 12 years ago. Special court Judge Neeraj Kumar Sangal on Saturday ordered jail term for suspended homeguard Ongkar Singh and imposed a fine of Rs 3000 for taking a bribe of Rs 10 from a truck driver at the city's Railway Road Chauraha in 2000.
Singh was caught red-handed by the then District Magistrate Awanish Awasthi. An FIR was registered in the case at the Railway Road Police Station by the then city Magistrate Satish Kumar who accompanied the District Magistrate.
The accused was dismissed from the service following the report.
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