Soft spoken and unassuming as always, the reigning world chess champion, Vishwanathan Anand was felicitated by his alma mater, Don Bosco and the institution’s Past Pupils’ Association here on Friday.
Vishy, as he is fondly called, was presented a memento for his world records, He also presented the first Don Bosco Past Pupils’ Association-Vishwanathan Anand Rolling Trophy for outstanding achievements in sports to Rohit K R, a class XI student, for his achievements in table tennis. Around 1,500 students from classes VI to XII were present, along with alumni and parents.
Principal Father Y L Irudayaraj addressed the gathering and appreciated Anand for encouraging children to take up chess seriously. Teachers reminisced his days in school and talked about how he balanced academics and chess. Peter, Anand’s teacher and the current assistant headmaster said, “I remember him saying he didn’t need help for his board exams. He juggled exams and chess tournaments all by himself, and pulled it off too! I felt so proud of him back then.”
Lauding the school for efforts to support him through the beginning stages of his career, Anand said, “It’s a wonderful feeling to have so much support from one’s school. Many teachers took time off their schedule and helped me catch up on lessons I’d missed. I appreciate that now even more.” Anand also attended the school’s 25th alumni reunion.
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