Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio: 5 Times the Actor Proved to be a Vehement Environmentalist
Happy Birthday Leonardo DiCaprio: 5 Times the Actor Proved to be a Vehement Environmentalist
From the Chennai water crisis to protecting the Amazon rainforest, here are some of the climate change issues Leonardo DiCaprio has been vocal about on Instagram.

"Clean air, water, and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics, it is a question of our own survival." — Leonardo DiCaprio

Academy Award winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio is a vociferous activist against climate change. Soon after his hit film Titanic released, he founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998. Its website says that the foundation is dedicated to the protection and well-being of all Earth's inhabitants. His second initiative, called Earth Alliance, pledged $5 million towards the preservation of the Amazon rainforest, after the wildfire early this year.

DiCaprio won his first Oscar for the film The Revenant. While receiving the award, the environmentalist took to stage to discuss the issue of nature and climate change. "Climate change is real. It is happening right now. It's the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating."

On the actor's 45th birthday, let's take a look at his posts on Instagram where he strongly advocates about the environment and our urgent need to protect it.

On climate emergency

Regramming a Vice media post, DiCaprio wrote, "More than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries have declared a climate emergency in a new report that calls for six urgent actions to confront the climate crisis."

Stand with Amazon The world's largest tropical rainforest, Amazon is known for its biodiversity. The rainforest is titled "lungs of the Earth' as it produces a huge share of the planet's oxygen. Speaking about its abuse for oil, DiCaprio wrote, "The government of Ecuador is still trying to auction off the ancestral lands of the Waorani for oil drilling." The Waorani community went on to save the 500,000 acres of rainforest from drilling.

Chennai water crisis

DiCaprio also spoke about the unfortunate water crisis in Chennai during the summer months. Regramming a picture by BBC, he talked about the crisis and alternatives to bring a relief to the people.

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#Regram #RG @bbcnews: "Only rain can save Chennai from this situation." A well completely empty, and a city without water. The southern Indian city of Chennai is in crisis, after the four main water reservoirs ran completely dry. The acute water shortage has forced the city to scramble for urgent solutions and residents have to stand in line for hours to get water from government tanks. As the water levels depleted, hotels and restaurants started to shut down temporarily, and the air con was turned off in the city's metro. Officials in the city continue to try and find alternative sources of water - but the community continue to pray for rain. Tap the link in our bio to read more about Chennai's water crisis. (???? Getty Images) #chennai #watercrisis #india #bbcnews

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Tigers in Thailand On Global Tiger Day, DiCaprio shared this picture with fantastic news. He informed, "In Thailand's Huai Kha Khaeng (HKK) Wildlife Sanctuary, tigers are roaring back thanks to a major long-term effort by the government of Thailand."

With activist Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish teenager who began a movement 'Fridays for Future' against climate change in 2018. DiCaprio shared a picture with the environmentalist and wrote, "She (Greta) and I have made a commitment to support one another, in hopes of securing a brighter future for our planet."

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There are few times in human history where voices are amplified at such pivotal moments and in such transformational ways – but @GretaThunberg has become a leader of our time. History will judge us for what we do today to help guarantee that future generations can enjoy the same livable planet that we have so clearly taken for granted. I hope that Greta’s message is a wake-up call to world leaders everywhere that the time for inaction is over. It is because of Greta, and young activists everywhere that I am optimistic about what the future holds. It was an honor to spend time with Greta. She and I have made a commitment to support one another, in hopes of securing a brighter future for our planet. #FridaysforFuture #ClimateStrike @fridaysforfuture

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