Shahid Kapoor, who tied the knot with his 'baby' wife Mira Rajput on July 7 in Delhi knows how to melt the hearts of his fans by posting adorable pictures with his life partner.
Shahid Kapoor, who tied the knot with his 'baby' wife Mira Rajput on July 7 in Delhi knows how to melt the hearts of his fans by posting adorable pictures with his life partner. Recently, the duo posted a picture that is not only overloaded with cuteness, but the fact that Mira Rajput is now a 'star-wife' in literal sense takes the selfie game up a notch. Shahid Kapoor, who was last seen in 'Shaandaar' has posted some adorable pictures with his wife in the past too. We just can't get enough of their lovely pictures. Setting some serious relationship goals, the duo looks absolutely perfect together. Mira looks gorgeous in this no make up avatar while Shahid looks winsome sporting his new look.
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