Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 New Stills Reveal a Tense Battle in Sight
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 New Stills Reveal a Tense Battle in Sight
The exclusive pre-episode pictures take the viewers into the world of Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, as they prepare for the last war. See here.

The fourth episode of Game of Thrones announced the beginning of yet another war, the last war. After The Last of the Starks, Queen Daenerys Targaryen is left alone in her endeavour to claim the Iron Thorne, although she is yet unaware of the plot that is being weaved behind her back, notably by Tyrion and Varys.

As the audiences wait to catch up with their favourite GoT characters on Monday, May 13, in India, HBO released some exclusive behind-the-scenes stills of the upcoming (title not known yet) episode. One image shows, the backs of Tyrion, Davos and Jon, while their fleet of soldiers prepare to battle Cersei's Golden Company. Fans can expect a lot of bloodshed looking at this particular picture and the sheer number of soldiers that are war ready.

Another image that stands out is that of Daenerys, in which she can be seen lonesome, leaning against the wall. Her otherwise beautiful locks are opened up and she seems dejected. It may be over losing her dragon and Missandei in the last episode.

In other still, we get introduced to a new character (actor Mark Rissmann), in the form of the Golden Company's general, leading the troops on behalf of Cersei. Check out other pics here:

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

Game of Thrones, HBO and related service marks are the property of Home Box office, Inc. All rights reserved

The latest episode will air on Hotstar in India at 06:30 am and will premiere on Star World on Tuesday. The last episode received a lot of criticism, first over a Starbucks cup appearing in one of the scenes and then for a conversation between Clegane and Sansa, where the latter can be seen justifying sexual abuse for the evolution of her character.

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