Crime thriller "Footfairy", starring Gulshan Devaiah and Sagarika Ghatge, is all set to be released on &Pictures on October 24, the television channel announced Monday. Billed as a "cat and mouse chase between a CBI officer and a mysterious serial killer", the film is written and directed by Kanisk Varma.
Mumbai: Crime thriller “Footfairy”, starring Gulshan Devaiah and Sagarika Ghatge, is all set to be released on &Pictures on October 24, the television channel announced Monday. Billed as a “cat and mouse chase between a CBI officer and a mysterious serial killer”, the film is written and directed by Kanisk Varma.
“Bade dhoke hain iss raah main! Sambhalna zara #Footfairy aapke aas paas hai. #SatarkRaho… October 24,” read the tweet on the channel’s official Twitter page. The page also shared the poster of the film showing a masked man holding a knife as he hides from a woman under a bed.
An &Pictures original film, “Footfairy” also stars Kunaal Roy Kapur.
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