Signage on Top of BSE Headquarters in Mumbai Blown away by High-velocity Wind and Rainfall
Signage on Top of BSE Headquarters in Mumbai Blown away by High-velocity Wind and Rainfall
BSE CEO Ashish Chauhan in a tweet said the exchange has sought help from the fire brigade to ensure the signage does not fall to the ground and injure some one or lead to property damage.

Incessant downpour and high-velocity winds in Mumbai on Wednesday toppled the signage on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) building.

Asia's oldest bourse is housed in the 29-storey Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, which is the highest building in the Fort area of south Mumbai.

The 'BSE' signage atop the towers broke-off and was dangling from the facade of the building, officials said, after its pictures started circulating online.

BSE CEO Ashish Chauhan in a tweet said the exchange has sought help from the fire brigade to ensure the signage does not fall to the ground and injure some one or lead to property damage.

Heavy rains lashed parts of Mumbai and neighbouring Thane and Palghar districts of Maharashtra since Tuesday, affecting local train and bus services due to water-logging on rail tracks and roads.

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