Earlier this year, Valve's Steam, the online PC game store, stated that it will launch a new interface to update the overall looks of its Steam library, which had remained the same for quite a while. The update, which is rolling out automatically as long as you have the PC client for Steam installed on your machine, brings a revamped library that groups together your downloaded content, and offers separate tabs to track your peer activities on Steam, as well as follow latest news and downloadable content offers various games, which you already have added in your library.
The design overhaul was spotted in Steam's beta avatar in September, and today, has become available to all users of the service. Given Steam's popularity in the PC gaming circuit owing to the massive number of games in its arsenal, the new Library update can be a particularly interesting update for long term users, especially those who have years' worth of games logged in the library, and wouldn't mind a more streamlined take on the service. The update also brings an easy way to access what your friends are playing, which sort of works like an organic advertisement medium for trending games within your gaming peer circuit.
While the extent of its utility would not be particularly pronounced if you're new to Steam, or use it sporadically because you game on other platforms such as Microsoft's Xbox or Sony's PlayStation, it is still a neat overhaul. The 'What's New' section can be particularly interesting in order to spot the latest updates on all the games, especially if you have plenty of games in your library that host regular, limited time events that as an avid gamer, you would not want to miss out on.
With the new makeover, Valve will hope to have kept up with the increasing amount of competition that Epic Games is posing through its own Epic Games store.
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