Most of us often switch to search engines to find the answers to certain questions. Undoubtedly, the internet is a treasure trove and has revolutionised our way of living. Individuals have access to any kind of information involving different topics. From exploring new-age technology to finding newsworthy inputs, every sector is dependent on digital content. This also extends to healthcare, with many people turning to online resources to diagnose their ailments. If you rely on Google for self-diagnosis, you are probably suffering from ‘IDIOT syndrome’ (Cyberchondria).
What Is IDIOT Syndrome?
IDIOT stands for Internet Derived Information Obstruction Treatment. It describes a situation where readily available online information hinders proper medical care. Patients with IDIOT often self-diagnose based on internet searches, leading them to either disregard prescribed treatments or self-medicate with potentially harmful consequences.
When It Came To Limelight?
A study published in the National Institutes of Health’s journal Cureus highlights this issue. The World Health Organisation (WHO) calls this an “infodemic”. It has created a complex situation in healthcare. This syndrome has caused too much misconception in digital space and physical environments during an outbreak of certain diseases, leading to mistrust in healthcare professionals.
How IDIOT Syndrome Can Fuel Health Anxiety?
The internet is a vital source of information, but it can also lead to anxiety and stress if an individual completely depends on it. IDIOT syndrome can cause an individual to misinterpret their symptoms and believe that they have a serious illness even if they don’t. In addition, people tend to ignore qualified doctors, leading to dangerous health consequences.
Tips to Manage IDIOT Syndrome
According to experts, an individual must be critical of the information he/she finds and should always prioritise reliable sources like the websites of reputable medical organisations and journals. It is always advisable to seek a doctor’s guidance if suffering from any health-related issue. Doctors can properly evaluate a patient’s symptoms, address concerns, and provide the right course of treatment. It is recommended to use the internet as a source of learning and to find answers to certain things, but consulting a medical professional is considered the best resource for diagnosis and treatment advice.
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