Can we step up as a responsible civilised society to resolve terrorism crisis?
Can we step up as a responsible civilised society to resolve terrorism crisis?
The frequent violence of extremist Islamic groups had created a wrong buzz about religion.

The world has woken up to second brutal terrorists' attack in fortnight. On October 31, Russian operated plane that went down in Sinai (Egypt) killing 224 people is now suspected to be detonated in the mid-air. The second one is Friday night's cowardice act of firing unarmed civilians in Paris. It resembled 26/11 Mumbai attacks and claimed as many as 129 lives. These are innocent people belonging to diversified communities and classes; dining/working in restaurants or watching a football game or enjoying the concert. Their lives were abruptly ended due to the whimsies of a group whose ideology was derived from misinterpretation of a religion. Islamic State claimed the responsibility for this cowardice act and is ambitioned to establish a worldwide caliphate (form of Islamic Government led by a Caliph).

The frequent violence of extremist Islamic groups had created a wrong buzz about religion. Inhumane acts of these terrorists has resulted in "Islamophobia" around the world. But, the fact that Muslims suffered more than any other community was lost in the rhetoric. Four million Syrians fled their country; 3 million Iraqis were displaced; Pakistan too suffered from frequent bomb explosions. Thousands of Muslims were killed and these Muslim majority countries have lost more than any other country in the world. It is not the terrorists, but the little Syrian boy – Aylan Kurdi, whose death sparked outrage in International Community and gave a face to the crisis, represents the majority of the community. Peshawar (Pakistan) school massacre in 2014 that claimed 132 children lives or Chibok (Nigeria) kidnap that victimised 276 school girls represents majority victims.

These radical militants are minor and insignificant fraction of the community, camouflage under the religion and attacks humanity as a whole. Their pursuit is power but not the welfare of the community. Our "Islamophobia" response is nothing but playing into their hands. It gives them opportunities to recruit people from non-Muslim majority countries who experience discrimination based on religion. Poverty, greed of power, anger and personal issues also play a major role in recruitment.

However, the solution to minimise the radicalisation on religious believes will largely depend on the involvement of progressive individuals of that religion. Military approach can suppress the numbers but cannot wipe out the radical ideology. Rationale and progressive thinkers have always stepped up to educate people and bring awareness about misconception or malpractice of their respective religions. The current situation warrants more such progressive and influencing thinkers from Islam to come forward and nullify the extremists' impact. They have a better access, understanding of issues, and bring the "one among us" factor.

The society survives on mutual trust among different communities it shelter. The trust deficit could lead to disharmony in the society and results in existential crisis. Several other crisis such as poverty, equality and climate change are shaking our practices and a burden of religious violence can only multiply our problems and divert our energies. "The world suffers a lot. Not because the violence of bad people. But because of the silence of good people". It is time to lend a helping hand in solving this religious crisis.

It is also equally important for others to understand that no religion preaches killing of innocent civilians. Any religious text used as a defense for such barbarous acts is nothing but a misleading attempt to hide their religion-political interests. Worldwide Caliphate or Islamophobia is not going to bring peace or prosperity to our lives. It is the collective action of civilized people will take us forward.

We share many commonalities with the deceased 129 civilians in Paris and thousands of such victims in Pakistan, Turkey and several other countries. We share the same commonalities with the millions of Syrian and Iraqi migrants/refugees. All of them are civilians who are thriving to live their own lives just like us. Let's take a minute to pray for all the innocent lives lost due to mindless religious violence and pledge to stay united against all these odds.

RIP Fellow Common Wo(Man)!!!

Author Akshay Kumar Anugu is a USA Food Scientist by profession and coordinated several Aam Aadmi Party 2013-2015 electoral campaigns from US. He no longer work with AAP and has no political affiliations.

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