Sajid Shah had written 'Hindustan Zindabad' on the outer wall of his home in Nara Amazi area of the province, Daily Express quoted police as saying.
Peshawar: A Pakistani youth, who wrote 'Hindustan Zindabad' on the wall of his house in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, has been booked for treason, a media report said on Monday.
Sajid Shah had written 'Hindustan Zindabad' on the outer wall of his home in Nara Amazi area of the province, Daily Express quoted police as saying.
He has subsequently been booked for treason, they said. Some local people told him to erase the slogan from the wall as it hurt their national pride, the police said.
Some people took pictures of the wall on their smartphones and emailed them to senior police officials."We have booked the young man on orders from the high-ups", the officer said.
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