COVID-19 left a lasting impact on people’s lives, affecting everything from daily routines to health. Even after more than four years, millions continue to navigate the challenges of recovery in some way or another. According to a study published by the National Institutes of Health, past COVID-19 infection may increase susceptibility to other viruses, including the recent outbreak of Mpox (Monkeypox).
The report suggests that COVID-19 destroys the body’s natural defence reducing its capability to fight other pathogens. Symptoms of ‘Long’Covid’—fatigue and weakness—can make the body more sensitive to infections.
Let us understand what is Mpox and how to prevent ourselves from Mpox and other similar viral infections:
- Mpox is a viral disease that spreads through direct contact with the skin scabs, lesions, or body fluids of an infected person.
- It can also be transmitted through prolonged close contact or indirect contact with items used by the infected person.
- The severity of Mpox can further vary according to age and access to care. Its symptoms include fever headache and body pain with rashes over the skin that may develop into sore blisters.
How to prevent the spread of Mpox?
While the risk of human-to-human transmission of Mpox is much lower than that of COVID-19, individuals who experience weakness and have a history of severe COVID-19 infection should exercise extra caution. Here are some ways that you use to avoid Mpox infection:
- Frequent Handwashing:Maintaining hand hygiene, such as washing the hands regularly with soap and water and using alcohol-based sanitisers, can go a long way in preventing the spread of viral infections, including Mpox.
- Educate Yourself:To protect yourself against lesser-known viral infections like Mpox, it’s essential to stay informed and follow public health recommendations to minimise the risk of infection.
- Early detection and treatment:Amidst the spread of Mpox and other vector-based diseases, it is important to not take a high fever casually. Patients must communicate with healthcare providers regularly for the right advice and treatment.
- Quarantine:If you know of a person who is suffering from skin rashes and sores, it is best to take care of them from a distance until they recover completely.
- Diet and Stress Management:A balanced diet full of vitamins, adequate rest and regular physical activity can improve immunity levels. This can go a long way in fighting infections such as Mpox.
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